The days are getting shorter and colder, frost every morning now. There was fog at the dog park this morning when I took the dogs for their run; the fog burned off as the sun rose.
I worked Monday and Tuesday. My manager called me on the weekend to come in on Monday for a specific patient who had asked for me and I said sure. The poor young woman ended up in Emerg on Sunday and never did make it in, although I'm not sure that would have changed the outcome. She has had many appointments to have a central line put in and each time she has cancelled. The first time I had her, we managed to get her on the table, everything set up, and then when the doc was ready to start, she changed her mind. She has done this over and over again with everything, including her chemo.
I knew when I first met her that her personality and mental health challenges would prevent her getting the care she needs, and now, she is palliative. She's only 39 years old and she's dying, in part because she can't deal with everything. I understand but I feel so bad for her too.
Yesterday I had a boy really, 24 years old, with inoperable pancreatic cancer. WTF! That just kills me.
So this morning I took the dogs out and later today I will make pumpkin shaped cookies for Jack. Halloween is tomorrow and he's excited about it.
Otherwise not much going on. I'm meeting a friend on Sunday whose world has fallen apart. We're going for a long walk in the river valley and I'll listen. I'm much better at listening than when I was a young woman, back then I had all the answers:)
I saw this somewhere in the past few days and thought it explained so much about the differences between He Who Shall Not Be Named and Harris.