Thursday, February 13, 2025
Monday, February 10, 2025
I went to my pottery class this morning and thoroughly enjoyed myself. I made a "rustic looking" soap dish. Rustic means, the edges are wobbly, different thicknesses, there are finger indentations on the outside, and the design inside is off centre. But I made it. The vase is also "rustic" but I love it. Both items still need to be glazed. It's hard for me to let go and just try something, because I always want things to be perfect. I'm old enough now that I understand that perfection is:
2-no always desirable
3-attained through years of experience and mistakes
So I'm letting go at pottery class and trying things, working with my hands, and chatting with lovely women. I'm working on a pinch pot, or a vase, or a mug. I have yet to decide what it will be and it keeps changing shape on me, so I keep changing my mind:)
It's kind of a down day. I'm tired of the cold and being stuck indoors, but I also have no desire to freeze my face off. I talked to my daughter yesterday for over an hour and it's so nice to have a grown up daughter to talk to. She knows me, has known me for a long time but still doesn't know much about my life. So we talked about my life a little and she talked about her life. Nothing amazing, just sharing our stories, which is amazing.
Jack had a busy weekend with swimming lessons, then some time with his mama at the rec centre, where he went swimming again. Yesterday was his buddy's birthday party at the trampoline park. He slept well last night.
Life is boring right now. Cold, daycare and school, housework, radio, cooking supper. I should probably take the time to work on Jack's quilt, but I feel unmotivated. That will change with warmer weather, but right now, it's just cold.
Friday, February 7, 2025
The sun has been up since 8:09 and won't set until 17:28 this afternoon. Daylight has returned to my part of the world and I love it. I no longer want to crawl into bed right after supper.
I refused two shifts at work this week, which I felt a little bad about, but also good. I am still trying to stop working. I worked two short shifts last week and one was a shit show, which is not unusual. In a forty-five minute period I dealt with five phone calls, an allergy problem, and a patient with a new chest tube (she'd had a biopsy the day before and ended up with a pneumothorax). The chest tube needed to be hooked up to suction (something I haven't done in years, and there were no orders from the doc). The patient with the chest tube also had pain of 9/10 and needed to have a bowel movement NOW. I finally got the allergy patient sorted out, and the chest tube patient back in a stretcher. I asked for help, I was feeling overwhelmed, and the lovely nurses I work with helped me and then hugged me.
The last straw was one of the MRI techs coming up to me and demanding my help (he's a man) like he always does, with buscopan. This tech could learn how to screen patients and give buscopan, but he doesn't want to. I told him to leave me alone, find another nurse. And it's days like that, that make me wonder why I even go in.
Everything finally settled down, nothing bad happened, but it was overwhelming at the time. Just like on Wednesday with the flood and pottery class. I felt overwhelmed and I recognized that, but I'm still working on the second part, how to stop feeling overwhelmed. Sadly, I think my feelings spilled over onto Jack. He wasn't feeling well, he's not sleeping well, and his routine was upended as well. Both of us were much better yesterday and today is fine, back to normal, but I want to learn how to deal with those feelings, and be able to teach that to Jack. It would make both of our lives better.
Jack has an appointment back at the pediatric behavioral clinic this afternoon, so that's good. The poor guy can't breathe through his nose and I want them to investigate. There was talk of a class on dealing with ADHD, but that went nowhere, so I'll ask again. I think his iron levels are up, but they'll need to be checked again, to see if the medication needs to be continued.Wednesday, February 5, 2025
The photo was from over a week ago. This morning when I woke up, Jack wasn't feeling well and had a low grade fever. I was supposed to go to my pottery class, so I texted Jack's other grandma to see if she could take care of him. Before I heard back from her, the condo management company that cares for my condo called to ask if I was the owner of blah, blah, blah. I am I said. There was a small flood, a water leak from the fourth floor, that had traveled all the way down to the 1st floor (my condo is on the 2nd floor). A plumber and restoration service were on their way. I called my tenant and she told me she was fine and cleaning up the water.
Then I heard from Jack's other grandma, yes, she could watch Jack while I went to class. And then a woman from the pottery class called me to say that the class had been cancelled for today because the instructor was sick.
Nothing earth shattering, just a lot in a short period of time, so naturally I cried. I snapped at Jack and then apologized and explained that I was feeling overwhelmed.
I took Jack to visit his grandma and drove to the other side of the city to check on the condo. There is water damage to the ceilings in the front entrance, master bedroom and bathroom, and wall damage to the master bedroom and bathroom, as well as the wall on the other side of the master bedroom.
Everything can be fixed, but it was supposed to go up for sale tomorrow. That condo has been an albatross around my neck and I just want it sold. I think that's why I cried this morning, I knew the condo would not be sold this month, like I hoped it would be. Now it will be months, but it will be sold, eventually.
My tenant is fine. She's actually moving out in three weeks, because I was selling it. None of her stuff was affected thankfully. But I did have to open up a claim with my insurance company, and I hate dealing with stuff like that.
After I left the condo, I went to the Italian Centre and bought a can of coke and a lovely pastry to eat my feelings. It helped, a little.
It could have been worse, so there's that.
Today is a better day. Yesterday was overwhelming for me and in turn became overwhelming for Jack. He's been getting up at 4:15 am for the last three days which isn't doing him any favours either. His fever is gone today and his nana is not spinning in circles. Peace is restored and things will work out.
Monday, February 3, 2025
It's cold here, really cold. So cold that the garage door won't open without a manual assist from a large man, so Jack and I used the front door instead. School buses were cancelled, so all the parents were driving their kids to school and the line up for drop off stretched back 2 km.
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
I wrote a very angry post and posted it and then deleted it. It's how I felt in the moment but not how I feel now. I was mad at trump AKA the Stunt Queen and the Americans who voted for him, and who continue to support him. And then I realized my angry rant was no different than any other angry rant and decided to retract it.
Monday, January 27, 2025
The weekend in photos. Charlie and Heidi snuggled up on the couch.
Jack and I had a good walk with Heidi at the dog park on Saturday. The sun was shining and it was lovely outside.
Charlie had his long walk yesterday, in the neighborhood. This storm pond is one of my favorite places to walk to with him. There are lots of trees and birds.
The bloody cat got into the drawer when it was pulled out last night and didn't want to get out. Not much else going on. Jack had his swimming lesson on Saturday morning and I'll take the dogs to the dog park shortly, before my pottery class. I'm loving my pottery class. It's nice to learn and be creative. I have work to do on Jack's next quilt, but I'm waiting for a cold day. I just looked at the seven day forecast and it looks like next weekend will be those cold days. Yay.