Friday, August 30, 2024

The trees are changing colour, putting on their fall colours.  Most importantly, the days are not so hot, and the nights are nice and cool.

Jack started school yesterday and "It was the best day ever!"

I bought a secondhand bike so I can keep up with Jack on his bike.  The bike is comfortable which is good news for my behind.  I took the bike out for a short ride this morning.  It's been fifty years since I rode a coaster bike, no handbrake, and I think I will have handbrakes added to the bike, either that or run into things:)

Mother nature is doing her job, getting all the flowers and plants ready for winter.  The asters are blooming.

I took both dogs out for a walk this morning.  Nothing much going on which is quite peaceful.


  1. That's very positive that Jack loved his first day of school! A coaster bike has no brakes? Yikes, I would not like that at all. My flowers are starting to look a bit tired and leggy, getting ready to die once the nighttime temps drop lower. Right now we're still in the 80s with lows in the mid 50s.

    1. A coaster bike has those breaks that you have to pedal backwords to engage them, old brain has a hard time with that:)

  2. I certainly relate to the frog! I'm really happy to read Jack liked school.

  3. Jack is a truly beautiful child! I'm really glad he liked his first day of school.
    That frog bears way too much resemblance to me. WAY TOO MUCH!

  4. I love that picture of Jack ... what a cute little guy he is! Let's hope he continues to enjoy his school days!
    Good for you getting a bike ... Can't you just push back on the pedals to get the bike to stop? If you just need to get out and about for a bit, you can hop on the bike for a quick ride!

    1. That is how the brakes work, but my brain is looking for the handbrake. It will be good exercise for my quads.

  5. Wonderful photo of Jack! Love that he loves school, may it ever be so! And that is a beautiful bike. Good on you, riding again.

  6. It's a lovely photo of Jack.
    My childhood bike did not have the name a coaster bike but apparently that is what it was. I thought the back pedalling brake was adequate and we did have some hills around.
    Tomorrow, Sunday, is the first day of spring for us, and already there is plenty happening in gardens and with trees.

    1. I still get so confused with the upside down seasons in Australia. Spring is always such a lovely time.

  7. Every morning I look like that frog! As the others have commented - what a great image of Jack! No doubt there will be some troubles ahead but at least he has made a good start to his formal schooling.

    1. I have emailed the teacher and told her a little about Jack's life. I've also asked for an ADHD assessment. She seems like a good teacher and she's calm.

    2. That was bright of you. If Jack does kick off, the teacher will be better able to understand the context.

  8. Jack is really a handsome little boy isn't he - and I'm glad school went well! Good luck with the bike. I gave mine away because it's just too mountainous round here and I kinda need my arms!

    1. Oh and you definitely need a bunch of plastic flowers for that basket!

    2. The nice thing about the basket, is that I can make a trip to the store for a few groceries. We have lots of bike trails here which is good, keep me off the streets.

  9. This is going to be an amazing school year for Jack. Counseling, structure, routine- yippee! I am excited for you and he, on your bikes haha!

  10. Such a happy looking school boy! Please get handbrakes fitted and make sure the lights are working.

    1. There is a light on the bike and I'm going to call the local bike shop and ask about the hand brakes.

  11. It's great to see Jack on his first day of school! I'm glad he enjoyed it. Also glad you're getting some cooler temperatures! (As are we.)

    1. I can't believe he's started school. He's grown so much.

  12. Coaster brakes are so difficult for an adult with hand brake muscle memory. I had a cruiser bike to get around in the RV park after one of the foot surgeries and I never got the hang of coordinating one foot stopping the bike, and the other foot dismounting. I'd have to slow down and then jump off. Jack is so handsome, he has such a nice smile.

    1. Yeah, muscle memory is how I remember so many things and my poor brain is getting confused. I have been practicing though and I'm improving.

  13. That is one very handsome grandson!

    I am picturing that bike basket with a few baguettes and a bottle of wine.

    1. I'm picturing the basket filled with cattails. I want to learn basket weaving. I just realized, I could weave a basket for the bike.

  14. Oh my goodness, Jack has grown so much and has still the sweetest, most precious little face. I hope his school year is a good one!

  15. Jack is a cutie. So funny about your anniversary and needing the reminder. My husband and I have been married 45 years. Quite often one of us has said, “did you realize last week was our anniversary?” We have never put much stock in birthdays and anniversaries. I am perplexed by people who go so overboard celebrating. Just make life a celebration when you feel like it and don’t get tied to a colander.

  16. Replies
    1. *calendar….. apparently I just can’t spell.
