Saturday, June 8, 2024

This was my garden last year on June 5th and the photo below is one I just took today, June 8th.  I thought everything was severely delayed this year because of the cold weather but, except for the tomatoes, pumpkins and squash, the flowers look like they're at the same stage, slightly smaller but not too bad.

Hubby stained the deck and it looks so nice.  I planted carrots in the rectangular raised beds but Charlie dug them all up so I thought, screw it, and planted lots of flowers.  The dogs also chewed my clematis down to the ground so it's not up on the trellis yet, but it did survive.  The dogs also destroyed my male haskap bush, also chewed down to the ground over the winter.  I've been hoping that it would revive, but so far it hasn't.  It's cold and wet today, 6.6C (43F) but the dogs will still get their walks.

The photo above was taken on July 5th last summer, so I'll be able to compare the growth in another month.

Otherwise, not much.  Two days of work left.  I had a lovely patient yesterday and she had raised her granddaughter from birth, so we shared stories and it was so good to hear a happy story.  Jack is with his mom again.  Another judicial review comes up in a month and Jack also sees his lawyer in a couple of weeks.  Just regular nana stuff:)


  1. Your yard looks so welcoming! I'm envious of you, only two days of work left. Although I rarely work more than one or two days away from my home office these days, it's the days when I have nowhere to go, no commitments, that give me the most pleasure and relief.

    1. I think I will miss a lot, my friends and my patients, but I won't miss being exhausted at the end of every day.

  2. Your garden is gorgeous. I have not planted a thing and I'm beginning to believe I may not. I hope Jack comes home ok.

    1. You don't have to plant anything. You have lots of perrenials and they'll take care of themselves. Jack's always angry when he comes home from his mom's sadly.

  3. Hahahahaha, good tip about how to get a free privacy fence!

  4. I am thinking of trying the privacy fence tip myself. When our neighbors moved in next door, they tore out all the bushes that were right next to the chain link fence between us. So, okay, it was mostly just wild stuff but it did create a privacy barrier.
    Do you think that things will change with Jack's visitations after the meetings?
    As always, when your garden starts growing, it grows beautifully!

    1. Give it a go Mary. I can see you wandering around your garden, buck naked. I wonder what your neighbors would say, or everybody in Lloyd.
      Plants in northern Alberta have such a short season that they just burst into life when the temps go up.
      I don't know if things will change with the next court appointment. Gracie still doesn't have a job and Jack is angry when he comes home. I guess we'll see what happens but I'm going to advocate for less time with his mom, just one night a week.

  5. Clearly a lot happens in the month of June into July.
    Me, every year, "The trees are late losing their leaves this year". They weren't.
    "The magnolias are blooming early this year." They weren't.

    1. It helps me a lot to take photos, because then I can see for myself, instead of relying on my faulty memory:)

  6. Your place looks like a park--so gorgeous! I find flowers and color so calming. I would be out there reading most of the day. (well, maybe not in 40ish degrees!) I get a twinge in my gut every time Jack is over with his mother. It makes me nervous, and I don't even know him or you in real life although I feel like we're friends through our blogs.

    1. We are friends Margaret, I think of you the same way. Working in my garden makes me happy. This year I wanted tons of colour and I'm getting there.

  7. Your garden is so beautiful. The long winters may mean that you (we) can't get to enjoy them so much but you sure do make up for time!

    1. Summer is short and sweet here, plants and people make the most of it.

  8. Your yard is beautiful! And 43 in June! Living in central Virginia USA...that's hard for me to imagine!

    1. It's all I know. My sister used to live in Fairfax Virginia, all I remember her telling me about it, was that it was hot.

  9. I live about a 2 hours drive south of there, but I grew up in way upstate New York. Adjusting to the summer heat and humidity took some time.

  10. I thought it was chilly here (about 60º F) but you've got us beat by a mile. The flowers are looking pretty good! I love that meme about pulling up a weed by the roots -- so true.

    1. It's so satisfying getting a long root with a weed.

  11. Beautiful. I'm looking forward to seeing 2024 pics of the same spot.

    1. When we bought the house there was some landscaping done but I've added to it over the past eight years. That's the thing about gardens, they're never done.

  12. Your backyard is so pretty. The deck looks nice, restained. We don't use the deck off the living room, just the front porch. Yours is much more inviting.

  13. The back deck gets the morning sun and is nicely shaded in the afternoon and evening, otherwise it would get too hot in the summer. Thanks.

  14. I am always amazed at the difference between your summer and winter photos.
    I hadn't really thought about pulling a weed out but you are so right - when that root comes up with it there is that little thrill of a job well done!
    Fingers crossed everything is going well with Jack.

    1. When Jack is with us, he's happy, when he comes home from his mom's he's not. He argues and shouts when he comes back from her place.
      Summer and winter in Alberta, worlds apart:)

  15. Sending love for your last work days. I hope it is a fun and relaxed summer, and that the system makes a better decision for Jack and you and the big Guy next month.

  16. I hope the court sides with us too and thank you.
