Monday, April 22, 2024

Even through the snow, these little crocuses kept on blooming.  The sky is blue again and the sun is shining.  I heard a robin this evening, the first I've heard this spring.  I also saw a moose this evening, a yearling I think, not too big, but it scared me.  I have no desire to hit a moose, not even a small one.

I drove to Katie's house this evening.  I got a call that Katie had fallen on the bus and scraped her back.  The ladies had given her something for pain but they were worried about her.  Then I got a text from one of the ladies, Katie was sweating profusely, so I thought I should check on her, which is why I ended up driving in the dark, on country roads, and saw a moose.

I think Katie is okay.  She has a doctor's appointment tomorrow anyway, so I'll get the doc to check her over, just to make sure nothing's wrong.  I looked at Katie's back, just a scratch, no bruises, no pain when I pressed on her back or hips, so hopefully, everything is fine.

Jack came back home last night and he's fine, quite loud, but fine.  I got frustrated with him tonight when I was trying to put a clean sheet on his bed before bedtime and he started walking on the bed, while I'm trying to get the sheet on.  I told him I was frustrated and started crying, because it was a long day.  Then he went and sat in the hall and said something like, if I'm mad or frustrated with him, I must hate him.  I told him that I would never hate him, that I love him, even when I'm grumpy.  

Then my son started up again, wanting money, wanting an address for his correspondence, wanting attention really.  I've been doing this for more than twenty years with him and even though I'm used to it, it still wears me down.  He is a compulsive liar and manipulator who cannot be trusted and having to keep up a wall around myself, when I'm dealing with him, it tires me out.

It's late, I should go to bed.



  1. Well, I hope you are better now after a good night? It's beyond me to try and comprehend how much you have to cope with.
    On the first night time drive I ever did, in my father's car, I ran over a squirrel in the forest some time after midnight. I didn't stop then but saw it the next morning. To this day, I can feel the thump going through me.

    1. That would be awful and I doubt I would forget that squirrel either. Moose are dangerous, just because they're so tall. If you hit one, it's in the legs and the body comes through the windshield.

  2. Jack has given me a great idea. Walking around on our bed while Shirley is putting clean linen on it! Oh it will be such a laugh... I might even bounce on the bed as if it were a trampoline. No doubt she will be in stitches too! Merry japes!

    1. I'm Shirley will be delighted with the new game, although I would hide all the knives before you try this:)

  3. Oh my, you're fighting the war on all fronts aren't you!!! You're doing a great job though and I can't wait for you to retire and have more time to decompress. I hope Katie is ok too!

    1. I'm looking forward to retirement day too. I'm sure Katie is fine, the ladies were just worried about her.

  4. It's all so much. Sometimes a good nights sleep is just what the doctor ordered.

    1. I had some of a good nights sleep, tonight I'll probably get the rest of it:)

  5. I am SO hoping you got good sleep. You have so much on your plate.
    I'm glad you didn't hit a moose too.

    1. I'm so thankful I didn't hit the moose either, the poor thing looked terrified.

  6. You amaze me. I don't believe I would be functioning with all the stress you have in your day-to-day. Hope you were able to sleep well.

    1. Who says I function? I cried too much yesterday.

  7. I'm glad that Katie is OK! I think crying is therapeutic and helpful, but I understand that crying too much doesn't feel good; it's what we do when things are painfully hard and seem hopeless. You're handling too much and that's overwhelming. Being a parent for Jack and dealing with your son are two huge stressors. We aren't young. Take care of yourself, my friend.

    1. I'm a weeper, I always tell people. I cry when I'm happy and I cry when I'm sad and I cry when I'm angry, any strong emotion really. I does get to be a bit much though.

  8. I'm sorry for this and I am glad that you wrote it out, that you shared it with us, this strange and beautiful community. I hope that Katie is ok.

    1. Writing it always gets it out of my head. Thanks for stopping by Elizabeth. I miss your writing, or at least I miss you writing as much as you used to write.
