Friday, March 8, 2024

We had a cold snap which was unpleasant but it's warming up now.  I was early to pick up hubby yesterday, so I went for a short walk down by the river.  There were three kids there with their dad, toboganing down a small hill, having a great time.  This is a view of Groat Bridge, and the buildings on the right are part of the University of Alberta.  

It feels like I spent the week taking Katie to appointments but that's not true.  I booked her for an ECG online, the chat bot took care of it, except it booked her for an echocardiogram and not an ECG.  That was Wednesday.  My fault.  I looked online, again, and decided to take her to Tawa Centre but it said you couldn't book an appointment for an ECG,  but you could I realized this morning as we waited.  My fault.  We waited for forty mintues this morning and Katie did surprisingly well in the waiting room.  Nobody would sit near us though, like her disability is contagious, sigh.  She also did a good job of lying still for her ECG.  A lovely women, wearing a hijab, did the ECG; I know she has three kids, because Katie always asks about children.  The tech was charmed by Katie.  As I got Katie off and on the examination table, I wondered how long I'll be able to do this, physically help her.

I'm driving a different vehicle this week, a van, because our car is in for repairs.  Everything is unfamiliar in that vehicle and it doesn't have winter tires, so it was slippery driving, in unfamiliar parts of the city, with Katie trying to get my attention the whole time.  I felt quite old this week, unable to deal with booking things online and driving an unfamilair vehicle. 

I still have such a hard time reconciling my actual age with my mental age.  I look in the mirror and I look my actual age but when I work with the young nurses, I don't feel old, until they don't get my pop culture references.  When these nurses are my age, I'll probably be dead.  It's just weird.

Jack's behavior is still off, not his usual self.  Plus he's constipated, poor guy.  Last night he explained that his poop had spikey parts and it hurt his bum.  Then we talked about poop for awhile.  He seems concerned that it won't come out, I assured him that the poop will come out, eventually.  

I've made an appointment for him to go back to see the child pyschologist.  He's anxious and like everyone when they're anxious, he's not at his best.  He's gotten yelled at this week by us, which is unusual.  Gracie's mother and sister continue to lie to her, not telling Gracie when they take Jack for a night or a day, because they don't want to spend time with her.  Eventually the shit will hit the fan.

In the mean time, life goes on:)



  1. Oh, the Tawa Centre. That's a hell-and-gone place to get to. I used to have a gynecologist whose office was there. He retired a few years ago, so haven't been to the Tawa Centre since. Glad the EKG tech was so good with Katie.

  2. I so understand not reconciling physical age with mental age. For 3 years I have been in a body 20 years older than I am and yet, I still think like I'm young. It's not unusual to think the way you always have, but it does kind of set a person back on their heels to contemplate the limited future! I feel so bad for Jack and for you. This is not right. That little boy should not be a pawn for his mother and her family.

  3. I was doing ok with aging until this winter. This year, not so much. Not as strong, not as much energy, slower on the bike. It's a gradual creeping decrepitude. One always wonders how bad it will get. I'm sorry Jack is struggling, and you, as well. Retirement will help.

  4. I still feel young until I don't. My knees twinge sometimes and I don't have the energy that I used to. Poor Jack! I hate being constipated. It's uncomfortable. :(

  5. One of my grandsons suffered with constipation when he was younger .....he used to take " Movicol" every day..... a laxative for kids.

  6. Children grow up so fast. One minute we're changing their poopy diapers and the next they're explaining to us why they can't poop.
    And we grow older so fast. No need to go into that one. We live it daily.

  7. That stuff about age, I have been there. Once had a lovely new colleague and we got on really well, then she introduced me to her boyfriend who picked her up as "my granny friend".

    1. LOL sorry, but I hope that didn't hurt too much at the time.
      Once my closest friend and I were walking down a residential street in Saskatoon when we were in our early forties and a little boy called out from an open window to us: "Hey, old ladies!" I thought it was funny but could hear my friend's sphincter slam shut. -Kate

  8. I thought an echocardiogram IS an ECG? Clearly I need to read about this. As for Jack's constipation, I think a lot of little kids have understandable fears about things their body does that they can't control. The idea that poop WILL come out whether you want it to or not can be scary, so some kids fight it, not realizing that of course they'd feel better if they let it happen. I am always surprised by how old I am when I look in the mirror!

  9. So it's not just me then! with the cultural references. I often make them or sing a snatch from some "old" song, and my co-worker who is 15 years younger doesn't have a clue what I'm on about (and doesn't say anything about it until I ask if she understood and she laughingly says no). -Kate

  10. Poor Jack - needing to see a child psychologist - but I guess that it might be surprising if he hadn't been slightly screwed up by his parents. They were and are more concerned about themselves than him. Thank heavens he has got you and The Big Guy in his corner.
