Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Last Friday was foggy.  The dogs had a great time at the park, Charlie kept disappearing from sight and then reappearing through the fog.  Most of the snow has melted but we did have a little snow over the weekend.  It's going to be a dry summer without our normal snowpack.  Normally we have, on average, 48 inches of snow going into spring.  As you can see, that's not happening.

When Katie was eleven years old, she hit puberty, or rather, puberty hit her.  Overnight she became violent.  We had three weeks that summer with no caregivers and no summer programs.  I advertised and a young woman answered our ad, her name was Manon and not only was she patient and kind, she knew ASL.  She also kept coming back, day after day.

Her two younger sisters also cared for Katie when Manon moved onto more stable employment, but we always kept in touch.  She is now a middle aged woman and was just diagnosed with breast cancer, the same disease that killed her mother.  Her first treatment was today and I meant to visit her during her treatment, even wrote it on my calendar, and then completely forgot about it.  She texted me as her treatment was ending but I missed her by five minutes.

She's coming back on Friday to have a Port put in, so I'll get a chance to see her then.  Bloody hell.

This morning at work I spoke to my manager and asked if I could bump up my retirement to the end of June so that I would have the summer off.  The only reason I chose the end of August date was because I was worried about money.  We saw our financial advisor last week and money will not be an issue when I retire.  So I was at the desk, talking with my coworkers before I started work, about retirement and money and one of my coworkers asked me quietly if we could talk.

Lihua is an Asian woman, mid fifties, no children and no debt.  She told me that she had recently been diagnosed with breast cancer and wondered about pensions and enjoying her life.  She never told any of us that she was diagnosed with breast cancer and she managed to have six weeks of radiation treatment without any of us knowing.  I just realized there has been a change in her over the last six months and we've all wondered about it.  She says exactly what she thinks now, no filter, no sugar coating.  It's funny to watch sometimes but I'm guessing that's where it came from, a cancer diagnosis kind of puts shit in perspective.

My daughter in Vancouver surprised me when I told her about bumping up my retirement.  She asked if I was going to have a party and then said she would like to cater it.  I was surprised and touched.  So I'm having a party, at the end of June:)

Here's a shot of Charlie, just because he's so handsome.

And here's a shot of me and Jack.  I hate having my photo taken but this one turned out not too bad.  My cousin said I look like my mum.  I do.


  1. Hooray for early retirement.
    That is a lovely photo of you and Jack.

  2. I bet June can't come soon enough. And I hope your co-worker gets to leave and live her life too!

  3. Lovely picture of you and Jack and how kind of your Vancouver daughter to offer to do some party catering. When you retire, will you still do some absence cover or what we in England call "bank nursing"? It would be a good way of winding down and making a few extra dollars too.

    1. I will still be working casual, covering sick calls and holidays. I wouldn't mind working one or two days a week.

  4. Good news on the retirement front. Sweet picture of you and Jack. He has your eyes. x0x0 N2

    1. You can't tell in the photo but I have blue eyes and Jack has hazel eyes.

  5. Great photo of you and Jack, and Charlie is certainly a handsome boy. Congrats on the retirement! It's great you can move it up and have the summer free. Good for your daughter for coming through with a party. :)

  6. Hooray for being able to retire at the end of June and know you will be ok financially! I hope you have a great retirement party 🎈🎉! June isn't that far off!
    Marcia in Colorado

  7. End of June, hooray! Great photo of you and Jack!

  8. You are beautiful. And Jack's lips- I mean, he could be a lipstick model!
    I hope that both Manon and your coworker can survive and thrive after treatment. I know that many women do.

  9. You two took a beautiful photo. Jack is adorable (so are you). Handsome Charlie with his big brown eyes. Congratulations on your moved up retirement!

  10. Congratulations, you deserve this retirement to get going as soon as possible. And nice picture!

  11. Very nice hair color, subtle and pretty. I'm so happy you can leave end of June, having summer off will be good. I don't publish photos of me anymore. This one of you and Jack is a keeper.

  12. Early retirement is the way to go! Although you do important work, you have a lot on your plate and taking one major thing off will give you more time and energy. I love the name Manon and hope that her treatment goes well. (as well as your co-worker's) Cancer is a terrifying word yet there are so many new and promising therapies for it. The photo is beautiful and happy!

  13. Retirement is the best job I've ever had! Lovely photos of you and your dog, I've just posted about ours as it would have been her 15th birthday today, we miss her all the time.

  14. He looks just like you!

  15. Congrats that early retirement worked out! You've worked so darn hard and through so many health issues. Now you can take care of yourself (well....and Jack and your man).
    Jack is getting so big and Charlie is quite handsome. The shot of you and Jack made me smile.


  16. You have a very pleasant face! I would chat to you if I ran into you somewhere! JanF
