Monday, September 18, 2023

 My middle daughter came for a short visit this past weekend.  It was wonderful.  She's an adult and we talked like adults.  She sees me as a woman and a mother now which I appreciate.  What I didn't know was that my ex husband has been trash talking about me for the past ten twelve years.  Oh well, that's a him problem.  I do feel sorry for him.  He's alone, angry and still drinking.  I think part of getting older is dealing with our issues because we all have issues, baggage that we brought with us as we grew up in our families.  He doesn't seem to want to deal with his issues and misses being a pilot, which was his whole persona.  Not my problem anymore.

My daughter got to visit with Jack and Miss Katie and did mention that those two are the best birth control ever.  We took the two of them to the mall and both Jack and Katie want all of your attention, they don't want to share.  It was a dog and pony show but we all survived and it reinforced my feeling that taking Katie out by myself is the way to go.

Charlie is getting better with recall.  My husband bought him a shock collar, which sounds awful, but we don't use the shock part, only the vibration.  It gets his attention and he does come when needed.  I have to be able to have recall with him.  He's a big dog and runs full tilt at other people and dogs, people and dogs who don't know that he's just happy and won't harm them.  The vibration catches his attention and I can get him back.  Makes walking much more enjoyable, and he's happy.

We saw the child psychologist on Friday and Jack starts with him in two weeks.  The main takeaway for me was that Jack needs a stable, secure home, something that Gracie cannot give him.  He did say he would provide us with letter for the court as well, stating this.

Tomorrow we meet with a lawyer who specializes in family law, so I guess that will help us.  What started out as a quick application to the court (in my mind anyway), looks like it will turn into a lengthy process.  As long as it protects Jack, I'm ok with that.  I've been going through text messages and dates from the past two years, writing it all down for the lawyer, a lot of shit has happened and as I reread everything, it brings up a lot of bad memories.

Today, Gracie gets out of rehab and will have a visit, supervised by her mother, with Jack.  Jack always gets worse when he spends time with his mom, so I have that to look forward to this evening.  Poor guy.  He's been through so much shit in his short life.  

So life continues on.  I have been reading some blogs, but not leaving many comments.  I'm kinda maxed out right now.  Thank you for your support.  It actually does make a difference and I appreciate it.


  1. That's a whole lot of stress and going through those awful and depressing messages would send me to a dark place. Walks with Charlie would be therapeutic, especially now that he is more under control.

  2. this is hard work, sending you strength as you go through it all. it should be simple but unfortunately it rarely is :( glad you got to see your daughter for a little bit!

  3. I'm so glad you had a good visit with your daughter but isn't it something when your ex shit talks about you!!! Mine told people I used to beat him up when he came home from work. Thankfully I just burst out laughing when I heard that as it was such a shock. And I'm so glad Jack has you in his life. Poor little thing, he needs you on his side! You're a great grandma!

  4. Seems odd that a visit with Jack would be scheduled for the very day Gracie gets out of rehab. But what do I know?
    I hope it's not too upsetting for Jack. Poor baby. It really is time for firm lines to be put in place regarding visits, I think. It might ease Jack's mind if he has a more fixed idea of how things will go.

  5. This is good news for you and Jack. I can't imagine anyone not being exhausted who is dealing with what you are.

    That is one happy doggo in the photo.

  6. I don't know how you do it. You clearly are a very resilient person, I admire your tenacity and the kindness that you show a 4-year old at this time in your life. He would be lost without your support & care. I agree with Ms Moon, seems a bad time for Gracie to see Jack immediately after being released from rehab.

  7. I’m just so in awe of how you’re handling the situation with your grandson. I wish the world had more people like you in it! Sending all the good wishes❤️Ricki

  8. Poor wee lad is going to have to put up with a lot of shit in his life but if you and the Big Guy are a constant presence he will turn out ok. The love and stability you give him will go a long way to mitigate the negative influence of his mother.

  9. 37paddington: how lovely that you got to spend time with your daughter who lives away. There is a school of thought that children need their parents but I do wonder if sometimes it is better to limit that association if the effects are negative. You’re dealing with so much, but I am glad Jack has you and the Big Guy, a safe place.
