Wednesday, February 22, 2023

It's bloody cold today, -36C with the wind chill.  Hopefully this will be the last cold snap before spring starts to slowly arrive.  I did wonder how Gracie managed to get Jack to daycare today with the cold.  I hope she took a cab instead of a bus.  I pick him up this afternoon from daycare and he'll stay with us until Sunday.

We're trying, actually Gracie's family is trying, to get Jack and Gracie back to living together.  I have my doubts but I guess time will tell.  I'm not getting fussed about it this time.  Everything seems to just follow the same old patterns, a stretch of no drinking or drugs, followed by a gradual decline which is then followed by a precipitous fall off a cliff. My son is no different, he's back in jail.  

I don't know how much help Gracie is getting from her sister this time.  The sister and her boyfriend had a very close friend murdered earlier this month.  Gun violence is not that common in Canada and when it does, it usually revolves around drugs or mental illness.  Their friend was gunned down on the street at 5:30 in the afternoon.  Not sure what their friend was involved in, or if it was a case of mistaken identity.  

I'm making progress on getting the condo ready for sale.  The ceiling will be painted for $1000.  The painter can do the walls for an additional $2000 but I'm far too thrifty to pay that much money for someone else to do what I can do.  It will take me a week to paint but I enjoy it.  The cleaners have been booked and the screen door will be replaced (the renter's cat tore a hole through it).  I'll be glad to have it sold and the money will go toward our mortage.

Yesterday was a down day, no car, nothing that needed to be done.  I cleaned the house, washed the floors, made shortbread and watched a movie that wasn't as bad as I had expected (Shotgun Wedding).  But I felt down all day.  Today is a better day, I have errands to run and things to do.  I do like to feel productive which is something I will have to deal with when I retire.  I will still work part-time I think, or volunteer, because I need a purpose.  Or maybe Jack will be living with us, I don't know.

Speaking of Jack, my hubby ordered glow in the dark stars for his bedroom.  So far I have put up stars in the shape of the big dipper (the only constellation I can recognize) and Orion.  I'll put up another one today.  I'm guessing Jack will love them.  Maybe this summer we can get him out to Elk Island National Park which isn't far from us, and is a dark sky preserve.

My ode to nursing, which I miss so much.


  1. I hope things go better with Jack and Gracie but I'm not holding out an awful lot of hope. But what would I know, she may surprise you all!

    1. I hope so too but past history doesn't support that. It would be amazing if she did surprise us all but she can't even keep her phone charged.

  2. 37paddington:
    You sound steady but resigned. It’s wisdom to release that over which we have no control. I wish I could be a wise as you are being. I wish the best for you, for Jack, always.

    1. I am not wise AT ALL. I just wanted to emphasize that. I try so hard to give up control and I do manage that for a few days, and then I want control again. It's a never ending war inside my head:)

  3. I do love the "Someone's gonna be eaten alive today" cartoon. The others are pretty good as well. It will be good to have the condo sold, one less thing for you to deal with.

    1. If you were a nurse, your favorite meme would be the pillow lottery. Crappy, hospital pillows are the hardest thing to keep on a unit. I don't know where they go, because they truly are crap, but they disappear faster than George Santos's credibility.

  4. Hahahaha, I enjoyed your nursing memes, especially #2 and #4. Stay warm this week!

    1. I actually told a young patient that I had to catheterize, he was maybe 23 and a drug addict, that I had seen more dicks than a two dollar hooker.

  5. Love the memes. Interns need to shut up and learn, don't they?
    I so admire how you are learning to cope with the uncertainty of a future you cannot control. That may be the hardest thing in life for many of us to do.

    1. I remember dreading July because we got all new residents and they didn't know anything. How much lasix should I order for this patient? Forty milligrams is the answer dude.
      I don't cope all that well with uncertainty, yesterday for instance, I didn't cope well. It comes and it goes:)

  6. HA! Funny!

    I'm so sorry about your son, I was hoping this was it, he'd had enough. My unsolicited opinion on Gracie is she doesn't have custody of Jack until she's been clean at least a year and can show she is reliable and competent to care for a child. Jack doesn't need to be bounced around.

    1. I agree with you but her family, especially her sister, doesn't feel the same way. BAH!

  7. I can remember adding stars to my son's ceiling when he was little. It seems so long ago.

    1. Hopefully, he and I will both learn the constellations:)

  8. Sorry to hear that Gracie's sister's friend was shot dead and sorry also to learn that your son is back in prison. We all need stars upon our ceilings.

    1. Jack liked the stars. I picked him up early and we went to the hospital to pick up poppa. He was worried that poppa was sick because he was in the hospital but I told him no, poppa and I work in a hospital. He got to see the xray machine and the CT scanners, as well as the 3D printer.

  9. I know from experience (with younger daughter) how painful it is to hope and then have self-destructive patterns repeat. That's horrible about the friend; gun violence is so common here that it's terrifying. Nothing has ever happened to change it. I guess it's part of our "culture." :( That's WAY too cold. It's snowing here but I'm hoping it will melt away tomorrow.

    1. We've had three mass shootings over the past ten years in Canada, that's three more than anybody wanted. I don't know how Americans have become inured to the violence, sorry.
      Hope your daughter gets it together.

  10. Oh yes, PILLOWS!! And the joy when you find a particularly nice one (no cracks in the plastic coating, almost soft and squishy) and you save it for a favourite patient.

    1. Pillows are like gold, but seriously, where do they all go?

  11. I guess Gracie's family is feeling "tired" from all the "hard work" they do in "helping" Jack and that is why they are pushing for this BS again. SMH!

    1. Gracie's family is still trying to get over the suicide of Jack's grandpa. He killed himself a week after Gracie was arrested for assaulting Jack eighteen months ago, so I try and cut them some slack. I'm not always successful and do feel resentful often.

  12. You certainly have your share of difficulties, I would not have a minute's peace of mind knowing Jack is with Gracie.

    1. We've been doing this for almost four years now. The good thing now, is that Jack can talk.

  13. You wrote... 'the same old patterns, a stretch of no drinking or drugs, followed by a gradual decline which is then followed by a precipitous fall off a cliff. My son is no different, he's back in jail.' And I stopped in my tracks - such a simple lines chance and our lives turn so randomly...
    There was similar repetitive pattern with my father (in his cases depression - anger - agression) - at times it was tempting to think it would end. It never did, only perhaps the circle slowed a little towards the end.
    Take care

    1. Patterns and habits are so hard to break. I have my own patterns with depression sadly.

  14. I can't believe how cold it is where you are. But then, you're much closer to the North Pole than we are. I am sorry your son has relapsed, this is hard.

    1. I'm not a fan of the real cold. Fortunately it's warming up quickly again.

  15. I hope you are able to weather the ups and downs of Gracie and the Sons relapses. It is always hard. The Son now clean over Two Years but still drinking. The Daughter clean almost a Year but also still drinking. An addictive personality is a lot to overcome. Hugs... Dawn the Bohemian

    1. Thanks Dawn. I don't trust addicts, with good reason, but sometimes I hope and that's when I get into trouble.

  16. I remember the anxiety I had as a care worker for children whose parents claimed to have "straightened themselves out". I had no connection to those people, so I can't imagine what it's like for you.

    1. It sucks; as Jack gets older, he's starting to notice and comment on his mother's chaos.

  17. It's hard to look at Gracie's situation and think that things will be any better in the long run, but maybe short-term she can have Jack living with her for a while. I hope her family is able to lend adequate support. Would you still be guardians, or would that role go away if he returns to Gracie?

    Sorry to hear about your son.

    Good Lord, you have a lot going on.

    I love the first and third memes. I don't get the last one!

    1. Oh, I get it now, having read the comments above. :)

      Also, forgot to say -- the stars sound fabulous! I hope you can take a photo, though I'm not sure it would turn out.
