Tuesday, July 12, 2022

I'm back at work half days on the floor and half days making phone calls.  My foot hurts but it's not terrible.  The podiatrist said it can take six to twelve months to heal.  I even went into the interventional suite for the first time in three months yesterday morning.  Of course, everything that could go wrong did, a wire with no luer lock on the casing, tiny veins, four pokes, bleeding post PICC insertion and a securacath that wouldn't lock to keep the line in place.  But we made it through and the patient and I talked about books the whole time.

A coworker of mine also works in one of the emerg departments in the city.  She was working triage last week and a guy came in by ambulance because he couldn't fart.  He had a bowel movement in the morning but felt like he had a stuck fart; but instead of driving to emerg, or taking a cab, he called 911 for an ambulance.  A fart.  It boggles the mind.  Another patient had a stuck butt plug which had to be removed and the patient left the butt plug behind, why?  

The older I get, the less I understand people.  

I haven't talked to my mother in law yet because I don't have a poker face and can't hide my feelings.  I've learned a lot about her this past month and none of it has been good.  My father in law is still alive, despite several brushes with death.  His mind is going but if we talk about the far past, he's pretty good, or at least nobody can confirm or deny his stories:)  He's a sweet, old man whom I shall miss when he's gone.

He has a mouth full of chocolate in this photo.  

Jack spent the weekend with his other side of the family at the lake so we had a free weekend.  We worked on the yard all weekend which was nice.  Got a lot of things done that had been neglected over the past year.  My tomato plants are doing very well.

Life continues on.  I feel restless.  Our holiday was not a holiday and both my husband and I feel put upon by everybody else.  We are both duty bound and put duty before pleasure, when in fact there needs to be a balance.  


  1. I'm sure that guy was thinking, "I never want to see that butt plug again!" LOL

    The ambulance company should charge the fart guy for a frivolous call.

    1. I think perhaps you're right about the butt plug:)

  2. Glad to hear that you got a free weekend to work on your garden (not your yard - that's a term they use in The States). By the way, what is a "butt plug"? Is it electrical or used in bathroom plugholes? Perhaps I should search on Wikipedia.... Oh! Good Lord!

  3. Oh dear lord, yes, you have to put yourself first. "Duty" is how people are manipulated into doing what nobody else wants to do, and letting other people slack off. Yours is the only life you can save (Mary Oliver, The journey). I can't find your email and I need to discuss Heidi's portrait. Please mail me at vivianswift at yahoo dot com.

    1. Mary Oliver was a wise woman and I forget her wisdom over and over sadly. I'll email you.

  4. Hi. I came across your blog. I also don't have a clue what a butt plug is! Your garden is lovely.

    1. Thanks for visiting. A butt plug is exactly what it sounds like, a plug for the rectum. Some people like using them during sex but they can get lost or sucked into the rectum. Oops. Now you know. Don't you wish you didn't?

  5. Your backyard looks magnificent. I love the pergola. Getting that line in just sounded awful. When I'm lifting weights, I'm an easy stick. When I'm not lifting, I'm not.

    1. That lady has breast cancer. I can't even imagine how they got an IV on her. She was frozen and it didn't hurt her.

      The pergola was here when we moved in. The previous owners had built it over their hot tub which they took with them.

  6. You two need time away but to do that would mean letting go of responsibilities; being selfless is admirable but a double edged sword. I can relate right now. Glad you're back to more normal activities at work, stressful though they are. I will tell you what you comment to me: Take care of yourself! (yourselves) No one else will.

    1. We had supper outside tonight, just the two of us, on the deck. No TV. We took care of ourselves.

  7. I am reading and thoroughly enjoying your past posts (I think I'm up to 2017!) and there is a theme. Please, take better care of yourself. Physically and emotionally. Too many people love you for you not to.

    1. I looked back at some of my old posts and I think I am taking better care of myself than I used to but it's hard to tell. One thing I noticed, is that work is less of a stressor for me now that we are fully staffed.

  8. Your FIL has kind eyes (or maybe he's just enjoying the chocolate). I'm sorry your vacation didn't give you any respite but at least not having Jack this weekend has given you the most beautiful garden to work in!
