Tuesday, July 20, 2021

I came across this word the other day on someone's blog and had no idea what it meant, so I looked it up.  I don't know why I always find it amazing to realize that other people on this planet have dealt with the very same problems that I have dealt with.  Giving up expectations is a human problem and is not new, and here I thought I was unique.  

I'm painting the basement bedroom because there's nothing else to do.  It's still smoky outside.  Jack is with his mama.  The big guy is at work and I'm puttering.  

As you can see, the bedroom definitely needed a paint job.  

The tansy is blooming which always makes me smile.  I know it's a weed, but it's so pretty and I love yellow flowers.

I'm also doing some work on patient teaching power point presentations for central line insertions.  This is what we do at work.

And this is why we don't allow cats in our interventional suite.


  1. Ha ha, love that one with the cat! I admire you for what you do because I know I could never do it!

    1. It's like anything really, you learn how do it. When I first went into nursing I was shocked at the things I was expected to do, give a bed bath for instance, and now, think nothing of it.

      Cats are the reason the world cannot be flat. They would have knocked everything off the edge by now.

  2. Yup ... I could never do what you do either ... I would have to let the cat do it fur shure! LOL

    1. I onl the stuff to the doc, set things up, clean up afterwards, I don't have to do the cutting or the tunnelling thank goodness.

  3. If I ever had a central line inserted, I would want you to do it.

    1. I would be happy to assist but I don't put them in. I hope and pray you never need one.

  4. I have long loved the concept of Wabi Sabi. In fact, we have two banged-up and hence very imperfect cat sculptures named Wabi and Sabi! (And a third one we named Bobby, just to rhyme.)

    As for the tansy, I like it too! A weed is just a plant in the wrong place, as they say. :)

    1. Tansy has such a beautiful yellow color. It's like a tiny sunflower in my mind and at this time of the year, the ditches are full of yellow.

  5. Love that "Clarity", and the cat meme is awesome!

    1. We have a cat who loves to knock things off the edge, especially in my husband's office.

  6. Totally get the ban of cats. If only they would behave more reasonably! Also wanted to let you see this about Lego pain origin: https://www.brothers-brick.com/2017/03/24/foot-pain-was-their-plan-all-along/

    1. Gracie has a t-shirt that says, I would walk across lego for you.

  7. I try to live by the AA adage, "Expectations are resentments waiting to happen".

    Cat cartoon made me laugh out loud.
