Friday, June 25, 2021

Jack has been sick.  Not really sick, a cough and a runny nose sick.  He's fine to go to daycare and appears to feel fine, except for his cough.  No fever.

Last night while my brother and his daughter and her boyfriend came over for a BBQ, he played naked in the backyard, enjoying the sprinkler, Jack, not my brother.

Things I learned last night.

I missed my brother and I love him.

I miss having people over.

I love to laugh.

Little boys like to be naked.

Little boys can poop in the backyard while naked.

Dogs will eat little boy poop.

BBQs are the easiest meal to clean up after.

Little boys can vomit enormous amounts in the middle of the night.

You can wash pillows, even feather pillows.  I didn't know.

The smell of vomit lingers.

I woke up this morning groggy from lack of sleep with a cough and a runny nose.  Of course Jack feels fine.  I'm slowly making my way through heaps of laundry because he vomited in two beds last night.  

I'm thankful I can't go to work with a runny nose and a cough.  I'm taking it easy.


  1. Be well ... hope whatever Jack gave you isn't serious! Sounds like you had a wonderful visit with your brother and your niece and friend!

  2. I have a "pristine" life because I now live alone, but damn how I love the chaos and poop and vomit engendered by a life that is not pristine. Hope you feel better soon!

  3. Oh dear. Lessons learned the hard way/Lessons learned the joyful way.
    May you not vomit too.

  4. Sorry about the lack of sleep due to vomit everywhere. Other than that, it sounds like you had a good day with your brother. It's good that you saw him.

  5. As Jack proved, the way to get better is to run naked through the garden sprinkler.

  6. Oh my. That sounds like WAAAAAAAAY too much excitement! LOL

  7. Well, it sounds as if a good time was had by all, for most of the good time anyway.
