It snowed here for twenty-four hours and it appears winter has arrived. We've had our grandson since Thursday evening because Gracie was working. We didn't hear from her all day Friday because her phone was stolen at the homeless shelter she works at. I don't know how that could be a surprise and I can't imagine setting down an expensive phone in a homeless shelter, but she did.
No word from her until yesterday afternoon. She was sick, coughing and having diffulty breathing. She has asthma and gets respiratory infections frequently. I told her to go to emergency, she needed to be seen by a doc and needed a COVID test, so she did which surprised me and now we haven't heard anything from her again.
The little guy is sick too with gobs of green snot running from his nose and he is generally grumpy and we've been trapped inside because of all the snow, so we're both tired. The little guy was up three times last night which means I'm tired today. I don't know how I did this when I was young.
So we're all tired but yesterday was wonderful, watching the dancing in the streets in the US, happy people everywhere which is such a welcome change from all the anger and fear of the last four years. Even the anchors on CNN were smiling. Of course the orange turd can still wreak havoc but there is a light at the end of the tunnel now.
And here is a photo of our back deck and the main reason we don't barbeque all winter:)
Snow isn't the worst thing but it does make life harder. I drove to the grocery store yesterday to pick up a few things and none of the lanes were visible. We also need winter tires for our new car so it's slippery too.
I'm thankful this week is a short week at work and maybe I'll even get a chance to do some more painting downstairs.
COVID is spreading like wildfire in Alberta and our government hasn't done anything other than tell people to stop partying. The big guy and I stay safe at home and at work but I know other people don't. Our hospitals are starting to reach max capactiy so things will get worse. We can't stop the spread, we just need to flatten the curve so that not everybody gets sick at the same time and our health care system has the time and resources to care for those who need it.
And now for something funny because we all need funny.
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