Saturday, January 25, 2020

The week in photos.  As you can see Heidi is making herself at home and doesn't appear to be at all stressed.  She is a lovely, sweet dog who also likes to chew the hell out of everything.

We've been going to the dog park everyday which is lovely as the weather is mild and the dogs are happy.  Fresh air is always good for me too.

We bought a kennel for Heidi to preserve some of our house while we're at work.  She's quite happy to go in it.  The bone is our attempt to find something that will last longer than half an hour with her.  Every toy what we've bought her is in shreds and then she moves onto pillows and my grandson's toys.  So far the bone has lasted more than one day.  We'll see.

My grandson spent the night last night and this morning was helping me with the laundry.  He loves the laundry room.  There's a toilet, two machines with windows that everything spins around in, a broom and a mop.  Heaven for him apparently.  He's finally sleeping now and I'm sitting for a bit.

Hope you all had a good week.

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