Friday, February 7, 2025

The sun has been up since 8:09 and won't set until 17:28 this afternoon.  Daylight has returned to my part of the world and I love it.  I no longer want to crawl into bed right after supper.

I refused two shifts at work this week, which I felt a little bad about, but also good.  I am still trying to stop working.  I worked two short shifts last week and one was a shit show, which is not unusual.  In a forty-five minute period I dealt with five phone calls, an allergy problem, and a patient with a new chest tube (she'd had a biopsy the day before and ended up with a pneumothorax).  The chest tube needed to be hooked up to suction (something I haven't done in years, and there were no orders from the doc).  The patient with the chest tube also had pain of 9/10 and needed to have a bowel movement NOW.  I finally got the allergy patient sorted out, and the chest tube patient back in a stretcher.  I asked for help, I was feeling overwhelmed, and the lovely nurses I work with helped me and then hugged me.  

The last straw was one of the MRI techs coming up to me and demanding my help (he's a man) like he always does, with buscopan.  This tech could learn how to screen patients and give buscopan, but he doesn't want to.  I told him to leave me alone, find another nurse.  And it's days like that, that make me wonder why I even go in.

Everything finally settled down, nothing bad happened, but it was overwhelming at the time.  Just like on Wednesday with the flood and pottery class.  I felt overwhelmed and I recognized that, but I'm still working on the second part, how to stop feeling overwhelmed.  Sadly, I think my feelings spilled over onto Jack.  He wasn't feeling well, he's not sleeping well, and his routine was upended as well.  Both of us were much better yesterday and today is fine, back to normal, but I want to learn how to deal with those feelings, and be able to teach that to Jack.  It would make both of our lives better.

Jack has an appointment back at the pediatric behavioral clinic this afternoon, so that's good.  The poor guy can't breathe through his nose and I want them to investigate.  There was talk of a class on dealing with ADHD, but that went nowhere, so I'll ask again.  I think his iron levels are up, but they'll need to be checked again, to see if the medication needs to be continued.

Otherwise, trump seems to be bringing my country together which is nice.  The mad man seems to be continuing on with his regime of chaos and general fuckery.  I'm not a fan of fuckery and he gives all politicians a bad name.  I've met a few politicians in my life, and they were actually hard working people who wanted to make the world a better place, for everyone.  Sigh.  The orange POS is not one of those people sadly.  Makes you wonder where his parents went wrong, or more likely, he was just born a sociopath.  Who knows?


  1. I think you have made the first, large step in learning to deal with emotions as you recognize how Jack is affected. That's the big step, I think. Work is wearing thin for you, maybe.
    That family is demented, either by nature or nurture.

  2. "Chaos and General Fuckery" -- a perfect description of Trump in office.

  3. In trump's case the apple didn't fall far from the tree. Google his father Fred sometime.

  4. There are stories of trump throwing rocks into the crib of a child younger than he was at the time. Toddler trying to hurt a baby definitely sounds like a sociopath. He has never been normal, after 911 he called a radio station to brag that his tower was not the tallest. He lied about going down to the site and searching for survivors.
    I have been so pleased to see the Canadian response to the tariffs. Have they reshelved US liquor? Hope they don't.

    1. 'was now" not "was not". Some day I'll proof read prior to pushing publish.

  5. I hope the Canadians stand firm even if there are no tariffs. Hit Trump and the red states where it hurts. (Waves from Washington!) I've never figured out a way not to feel overwhelmed when there are zillions of stressful events going on. You do everything you can by asking for help and stepping back. Do you feel guilty stopping nursing entirely? I'm glad that Jack is getting help although those appointments add to the stress.

  6. I’m glad you said no to those two shifts. You clearly need to take care if yourself so you can be there for Jack. I’m glad the Canadians are saying no to Trump. That warms my heart.

  7. Work sounded terrible. I'm sorry. I loved your response to the MRI tech which was basically, fuck off.
