Wednesday, February 5, 2025

The photo was from over a week ago.  This morning when I woke up, Jack wasn't feeling well and had a low grade fever.  I was supposed to go to my pottery class, so I texted Jack's other grandma to see if she could take care of him.  Before I heard back from her, the condo management company that cares for my condo called to ask if I was the owner of blah, blah, blah.  I am I said.  There was a small flood, a water leak from the fourth floor, that had traveled all the way down to the 1st floor (my condo is on the 2nd floor).  A plumber and restoration service were on their way. I called my tenant and she told me she was fine and cleaning up the water.

Then I heard from Jack's other grandma, yes, she could watch Jack while I went to class.  And then a woman from the pottery class called me to say that the class had been cancelled for today because the instructor was sick.


Nothing earth shattering, just a lot in a short period of time, so naturally I cried.  I snapped at Jack and then apologized and explained that I was feeling overwhelmed.  

I took Jack to visit his grandma and drove to the other side of the city to check on the condo.  There is water damage to the ceilings in the front entrance, master bedroom and bathroom, and wall damage to the master bedroom and bathroom, as well as the wall on the other side of the master bedroom.

Everything can be fixed, but it was supposed to go up for sale tomorrow.  That condo has been an albatross around my neck and I just want it sold.  I think that's why I cried this morning, I knew the condo would not be sold this month, like I hoped it would be.  Now it will be months, but it will be sold, eventually.

My tenant is fine.  She's actually moving out in three weeks, because I was selling it.  None of her stuff was affected thankfully.  But I did have to open up a claim with my insurance company, and I hate dealing with stuff like that.

After I left the condo, I went to the Italian Centre and bought a can of coke and a lovely pastry to eat my feelings.  It helped, a little.

It could have been worse, so there's that.


Today is a better day.  Yesterday was overwhelming for me and in turn became overwhelming for Jack.  He's been getting up at 4:15 am for the last three days which isn't doing him any favours either.  His fever is gone today and his nana is not spinning in circles.  Peace is restored and things will work out.


  1. Shit day is right! Sorry to hear it.

  2. That's such a bummer about your condo! And the day before it was to go on sale? Sonovabitch! That elephant meme is TOO funny, I must say.

  3. Definitely a shitty day with too much juggling and most of it negative. Treating yourself to a yummy pastry is the way to go! Water leaks are the worst; there is always damage, no matter how small the leak. :(

  4. You really needed that news about the leakage.
    I am amused at the elephant joke.

  5. Well, that sucks, totally and completely. Water damage is the worst. OK, maybe fire is worse. But anyway, I'm sorry the sale is on hold and that you have to talk to insurance people.

  6. What awful timing with the condo. Maybe it will sell quickly once it's fixed up and repainted. I hope the insurance company don't give you the run around.

  7. I'm so sorry. And you were so close to selling it and having it off your back.

  8. Could be worse, you are right. Just think of what else could happen. Or don't. Italian pastry is better.

  9. "Laughing and crying, you know they're the same relief."
    -- Joni Mitchell

    Reading about your day, I was struck by the fact that you both cried and found something to laugh about and that there was relief in both. Sending love always.

  10. Sometimes when everything is so hugely hard, it is the little thing that finally breaks us. The straw that breaks the camel's back.

  11. It's always good to think that things could be worse. I try to do that sometimes, and it often works to help me navigate out of my doldrums. Sorry about the condo. I hope you'll be able to sell it soon. I am still dealing with evicting my renters and also dealing with the loss of rent!

  12. I agree with Ms Moon, there will always be a straw to break that camel's back. My sister burst into tears when her door handle came loose - and this despite the fact that her husband had just left her for a Russian scammer he met over the internet (and who promptly relieve them of all their money)! Mind you, the condo getting flooded would have made me cry too!

  13. Thanks for the laugh(memes), I needed it. On top of everything else, of course water damage the day before your condo was to go on the market. I think I would have had 2 pastries.

  14. If I were wealthy, I would first hire an assistant to deal with all of life's petty annoyances. I fully understand your frustrations, and your need for pastries!
