Saturday, February 15, 2025

Poor Jack has been sick since Wednesday when he got home from daycare.  He was kind enough to share his germs with us, he's so good that way.  On Thursday his fever kept spiking and he was feeling short of breath.  He sounded wheezy, so I gave him some ventolin but I don't know if it did anything.  The doc is trying to figure out if he has asthma, hence the ventolin.  What worries me is that his respirations go up to 60/min when he's sick, but he recovers.  I'm not willing to spend five hours in ER with a sick kid, unless tylenol doesn't help (and it did).  I'll give the doc a call next week and talk to her about it.  He is better now, but still tired, low grade fever, and diarrhea (oh joy).

I'm fine, just grumpy and snotty.  My husband will end up quite sick with sinusitis, but that's par for the course.

Otherwise nothing going on.  I hate being sick, stuck at home with no energy.  On the upside, I don't have a fever.  I also did some reading online.  Apparently children tend to spike fevers more quickly because their immune systems are still new and they overreact to all viruses and bacteria.  As we get older, our bodies have a more modulated response.  It does scare me though when his temp goes way up.  I'm so thankful for tylenol.  I'm remember when I was a kid, pretylenol, cool baths and cool clothes to the forehead and chest.  

Because nobody was feeling good yesterday, I sat and read a book "Bloomsbury Girls" by Natalie Jenner.  It was about three women in post war London, working in a bookstore, but it was also about women finding their voices.  It was a very good book.

I can't remember who I stole this from, but I love it.


  1. Poor potato heads!
    You knew it was coming your way when Jack became sick. A sick child AND a sick husband, you have my sympathy. Hopefully you don't get any worse.

  2. At least you have a nurse in the house! We only pester ours by phone. You might as well be under the weather while it's so f'n cold out, as opposed to being stuck in when it's gorgeous outside. Cold weather, colds in the nose and throat, colds all around! Get well soon. xo

  3. Hope everyone feels better soon. I remember when the little orange St Joseph’s children’s aspirin was the only choice. Hooray for Tylenol!

  4. It's scary when kids' fevers go way up, but less dangerous than it would be for us. Hope you are all on the mend soon! Although normal, being under the weather in winter makes the season even more depressing.

  5. You’re a great nurse so Jack is in the best of hands. I hope you all feel better soon.

  6. It may not have been part of your childhood but we got St. Joseph's baby aspirin. It was orange flavored. I loved it. Reye's syndrome was unknown then.
    Ah, Jack. He'll be up and back at it soon most likely but it's so hard when they're down.

  7. One lasting memory of my daughter's childhood years, until about age 10, is a runny nose, and I mean thick stuff runny, and putting a steaming pot of sage tea beside her bed to ease breathing and coughing. Some children tend to have fever more often, every immune system is unique.
