Wednesday, January 29, 2025

I wrote a very angry post and posted it and then deleted it.  It's how I felt in the moment but not how I feel now.  I was mad at trump AKA the Stunt Queen and the Americans who voted for him, and who continue to support him.  And then I realized my angry rant was no different than any other angry rant and decided to retract it.

I'm feeling down which is probably part of the problem.  I visited a friend this afternoon and she said, "It's January."  And it's true, January always kind of sucks.  It's the anniversary of her husband's death on Friday. For her, January sucks in a special way.  It was lovely to see her.  I had found a plate at Value Village, a souvenir plate from Skaro Shrine, a place which is very important to her family, and where her grandmother is buried.  She loved it and that lifted my spirits a little.  She's going to make a little altar with it.

Otherwise, not much.  Jack had his hearing tested, all fine.  I took the dogs to the dog park this morning.  It wasn't cold and there was fresh snow overnight.  Katie had a psychiatrist appointment this morning, she's doing very well on the new meds and her CBD.  

And me.  I felt a little better after writing that last post and then I did some rage cleaning and the anger dissipated.  Now I just feel tired and sad.  Still better than angry.


  1. I am never, ever angry enough to RAGE CLEAN. That would simply enrage me further, lol. Gawd, I hate housework.

    1. I hate housework too but I hate dirt and untidiness even more. It's also a good way for way me to get rid of the energy of anger.

  2. Can you tell what is in the photo? I can not. I also wonder if the poster meant disappointed rather than dissipated. We cleaned the floors yesterday, I let too much dust get in the vacuum cleaner (we have a LOT of dust) and the motor over heated and quit. Fortunately, it recovered and works again. I am starting to become very afraid of my government, RFK Jr is a nutbag, under his leadership, I doubt if we'll ever see another covid booster, which disturbs me greatly. This is not how I planned to spend my golden years.

    1. I'm guessing the poster meant disappointed, but I though dissipated was pretty funny. I hope people start suing the government for not providing access to preventive medicine, like vaccines. I threatened my own government with that yesterday because they're thinking about stopping children and teens from getting covid vaccines. Our premier is a fucking nutbag too.

  3. Sometimes you have to write out the rant and then publish or delete it. The very act of putting your anger and disappointment into words is therapeutic. That's my excuse anyway! I don't post much about politics although I'm pretty sure most of my readers know where I stand. I'm glad that Katie is doing well on the new meds; that was a huge worry! xoxo

    1. Writing it all down helps to get it out of my head, but it was a bit of a rant about Americans, who I know are not all the same. I deleted it.
      I'm very happy Katie is feeling better too.

  4. I've been trying to understand how he won but people in Europe are dissatisfied too and are voting more right-wing. Apparently that's happening somewhat in Canada too?

    1. Yeah, sadly it's happening here too. People seem to lean into right-wing propaganda when they are fearful.

  5. I couldn't make out what that Amazon photo was either!!! That was a very kind gesture of you towards your friend. I'm sure she appreciated that more than you will ever know!

    1. I was so happy that she liked it. Skaro means a lot to her.

  6. As often happens for others, your deleted post came through on my RSS feed. I enjoyed the read.
    That's a nice thing to do for your friend. Without going overboard, I am sure she will like the support at the anniversary of her husband's death.

    1. It's been hard for her, but she's happy again. She's living again.

  7. You might enjoy this - I find i am avoiding any news and some people.

    1. Fortunately for me, there are fewer trump supporters here. Thanks for the link:)

  8. I often write furious posts, and then sit on them for a day before deleting them instead of publishing them. I enjoy it.

    1. Perhaps I need to do that, save, wait, and delete.

  9. I haven't cried this morning yet so I'm feeling pretty sassy.

  10. I'm an American and I frequently rant about Americans. It's good to read Katie is doing well and you got rid of your anger.

    1. But I'm not American. It's kind of like, I can dis my family, but my husband can't.
