Monday, December 16, 2024

I feel down today, not sure why.  It will pass, at least I understand and believe that now.  I took the dogs for walks yesterday as it was going to be too cold to walk them for a few days.  Charlie looks like no trouble at all.  

Katie is still having a hard time with the new drug.  She's restless and agitated but not violent which is good. I brought Katie home on Saturday because I wanted to see how she was doing.  She was okay, but not herself.  She didn't hurt me or even try but it was like there was something pushing her from the inside.  Katie makes a noise all the time, I don't even know how to spell it, but it is her sound.  It's almost like a question, or a demand for attention.  Usually when she's happy, there is a longer time between the sounds.  On Saturday she was making that noise every 1-2 seconds.  It upset me because it's not her usual, something isn't right. 

I emailed Elizabeth in LA, asking for her advice, or the advice of anyone she knows about antipsychotic drugs (Elizabeth has a disabled daughter and a wide network of people with disabled children).  She didn't know of anything but suggested we try marijuana again.  Katie's primary caregiver at her group home suggested the same.

I tried Katie on marijuana a few years ago.  It helped but it was a horrible hassle to give to her because it was restricted and so many rules.  Now it's legal and comes in quite a huge variety.  My middle daughter uses CBD oil for her anxiety and to help her sleep; she finds it quite helpful.  So yesterday I went off to a dispensary and bought some gummies with 50mg of CBD in them.  I took one and waited.  Nothing really happened, other than I noticed the voice in my head, that never fucking shuts up, was silent.  I had a hard time falling asleep though, which I don't like, but that's not new either.

Katie has another appointment on Friday so I'll bring it up with her psychiatrist and listen to his feedback.  I have a lot of problems with side effects from drugs, like my dad did.  If there was a side effect, he would have it, in the days before the internet.  He wasn't looking anything up, it was just happening to him.

Today a lot of research has been done on drugs and how they are metabolized in the body.  If you look a drug up on Wikepedia, it will even tell you which enzyme is responsible for metabolizing the drug in your body.  And here's the thing about enzymes, they are produced by genes and are subject to inhibitors, inducers and genetic differences.  There are people who don't metabolize drugs well and they seem to suffer more side effects from drugs, like my dad, me, and I'm guessing Katie.  

Docs don't believe me when I tell them some of the strange side effects I experience, like suicidal ideation from Pepcid, but it's happened to me enough times that I know what it is and what's causing it.  I can take Pepcid sporadically but if I take it regularly for more than a week, I think about killing myself, a lot.  Diclonfenac cream, the kind that you rub on the sore joint, I tried that almost twenty years ago.  A week of insomnia.  Doc wouldn't believe me but today you can find the side effect easily on the internet.

So I'm wondering if reducing the dose of Katie's new antipsychotic would help, still control the violence towards herself and others, but also reduce the agitation she is experiencing.  I don't know but I want to try it.  And maybe a CBD gummy to help take the edge off.
And the moon photo?  It's called a cold moon and won't be seen again until 2043, god only knows what shape I'll be in then.  So I got up off my ass, found my husband's telephoto lens, trudged outside and took a photo.  It's actually the first moon photo I've taken.


  1. That is an excellent moon photo. In college we all smoked a lot of pot, which would land you in jail at the time, I did not enjoy it. It's a vasoconstrictor and my hands and feet would get cold. Maybe it will help Katie. I hope so.

    1. I don't like marijuana either, but this is just the CBD part. I'm hopeful.

  2. I hope the psychiatrist can offer some helpful advice, both about the anti-psychotic medication and cannabis.

  3. It always amazes me that we are - all and everywhere - looking up to the same moon.
    Pot always gives me headaches, I wish it wouldn't but it does.
    The thing about side effects is such a maze, those enzymes you wrote about closely react to our hormones which as we know are cyclical monster powers, changing like the moon. And the latest culprit in the equation is the microbiom which seems to set of a new and barely understood cascade of effects to whatever we swallow.

    1. It's strange you should mention a headache. I woke up with a headache this morning. Our bodies are not only complex, they also age, and nothing works as good as it once did. You mention the microbiome and that just adds to the problem, or solution, as well. We have 39 trillion microorganisms living on us and in us, and only 30 trillion human cells. We're walking, talking petri dishes that can make poetry:)

  4. It's a positive that you know the depression will pass. YES, on the medication side effects. I now know that my liver doesn't like Tylenol--even in small doses. People have had excellent results from marijuana and I hope Katie does too. Such a huge worry that she is struggling! Hugs to you!!

    1. I hate seeing Katie suffer, it breaks my heart.

  5. Acknowledging your low times is important
    You will pull yourself up by your bra straps when ready xxx

  6. Are gummies the only way of administering CBD to Katie? I laughed when you referred to "the voice in my head, that never fucking shuts up" as I have got one of them too. JUST BE QUIET WILL YA?

    1. Gummies are the easiest way to give Katie the CBD. It's through the government and has a dose written on the package, and they taste ok.
      My brain never turns off it seems.

  7. I hope the gummies work for Katie, and good for you for knowing down spells don’t last forever..

  8. That is a beautiful moon shot. Good for you!
    And good for you for thinking about trying gummies for Katie. I mean- if you give her one and she's going to get weird or unwanted side-effects, she probably will show that and you can cancel the whole experiment. However...if it works...oh, wouldn't that be amazing?
    I hope you start feeling at least a little more cheerful. I was just wondering myself why it seems that if I have one reasonably cheerful day, the next day will not be the same.

  9. The moon photo is great and similar to another I've seen a day or so ago.

    1. I too have a very active brain, and so I wonder if the gummies would slow my brain and to better focus?

  10. Here's hoping you can find a solution for Katie. She is lucky to have you in her corner, as is Jack, but someone needs to be in your corner, Pixie. xx

    1. I'm ok. It helps not having to work, I have more time to take care of this stuff. I just emailed her psychiatrist, we'll see what happens.

  11. I really hope the marijuana can give Katie (and you) some peace. I agree with Sparklingmerlot that both Katie and Jack are lucky to have you in their corner AND that someone needs to be in yours!

    1. I'm ok and Katie is part of my heart, as is Jack now.

  12. I ate a gummy last winter and it only exacerbated the anxiety I was feeling at the time. At least, I blame it on the gummy. I doubt I'll ever risk eating another one. It should make a difference that you'll know how much you're giving Katie. I must've had too much of something. Here's hoping she gets some relief.

    1. These gummies only have CBD, no THC. I agree, I don't like the effects of the THC and I didn't really care for how tired the CBD made me feel, but I couldn't sleep. I'm going to try one today for her.

  13. Speaking of bralessness, Pixie (reply to comment above), when upon occasion I can't bear wearing one and go without for a day or two, I will get weird muscle twinges in my chest, which also starts to feel heavy, and I'll begin to experience anxiety about whether these are signs of a heart problem! You'd think I'd learn! It's not like this has never happened before. D'uh.

    1. LOL. I only wear a bra now when I go to work. Way nicer!

  14. I was a child of the 60s, so weed was rather commonplace. I used CBD oil for a few years and it did help my depression. I don't think I will have any condition in 2043!

    1. I grew up in the '70's with a bunch of church kids, so not a lot of weed, and I was terrified of my dad. Turns out his sister grew and sold weed (Vancouver Island). I hope it helps.

  15. "Docs don't believe me when I tell them some of the strange side effects I experience..."

    As if you would lie about it?

    I've had full-tilt visual hallucinations on pot, but I don't usually tell people about that because I get the same response that you get when telling doctors about Pepcid, by which I mean that they seem to think that I'm either lying or insane.

    1. There is something called Munchausen syndrome and Muchausen by proxy, people lie to doctors sadly, but it is so frustrating to not be believed.

  16. I have a new computer, and I noticed after my comment that clicking on my "name" doesn't take one to my blog. This is good to know because instead of signing in with Google, I'll start signing in with my blog name and URL.

  17. Sorry to hear Katie is struggling. It’s no wonder you’re feeling down. You’re worrying about her. Sending love.

    1. Katie is feeling better with the CBD, I think.

  18. It's funny we both posted a moon photo on the same day! The CBD sounds like it might be a good solution for Katie. I can see how something to "take the edge off," as you put it, might help.
