Thursday, September 19, 2024

The weather has been lovely the last couple of days and the dogs have been enjoying their walks.  Me too:)  I miss going to the off leash dog park but having Charlie on a leash is a much better option at this time in his life.  He's still very reactive; he's large, and he scares people and other dogs.  So walks in the neighborhood work much better and I'm finding all the treed pathways around here.

We've only had one car since I met my hubby.  We work together in the same hospital so it made sense, but now that I'm retired, I needed my own vehicle and this week I bought myself a car.  It's secondhand and in good shape.  It's a Subaru and handles well on snowy or icy roads which is a huge plus for me.  I love it.

Jack is doing much better this week at school and daycare.  No threats uttered by him and no violence.  Hubby is reminding Jack everyday to use his words when he's angry, to take a deep breath, and/or to walk away.  

I'm supposed to be working today and even went in, but there were nine nurses on the floor which is four extra nurses, and it's a PM day which means one of the CT scanners is down for maintenance, so less patients.  I can't do that.  I don't do well with slow days and there's no need to pay me for doing almost nothing, so I came home and will walk the dogs shortly.

I have a lot of green tomatoes sitting on my kitchen counter, and in my laundry room.  The nights are cold now and everything has stopped growing, so it was time.  

There's not much going on.  I'm trying to avoid the news right now because it's so awful, but it's like a train wreck and hard to turn away from.  


  1. Nice car! Walking tree lined pathways has it's own merits. Good new on Jack. I'll need to pick the tomatoes soon, our heatwave is supposedly coming to an end. The news is awful, I'm also avoiding it.

    1. The news is horrific and toxic. trump and vance are tagteaming and spewing lies everywhere.
      Trees are gods gift to us mortals I think.

  2. You simply cannot go wrong with a Subaru!
    I love that tree lined pathway! Seems so peaceful!
    Sounds like Grandpa is doing exactly the right thing for Jack and with both of you working in such a positive way ... it's all good!!

    1. I'm looking forward to driving it in the snow, weird, I know.

  3. That car looks great! I have a blog pal in Montana who's been a longtime Subaru owner and swears by them for driving in snow. Glad you're getting out with the dogs, and how great that you were able to come home from work early! Wonder why they scheduled so many of you?

    1. Our boss scheduled so many because she was worried there wouldn't be enough people. Casuals can cancel, and do, and today was the start of us recovering our own line patients.

  4. It is good to hear that Jack is doing better this week! Great news on your car! I owned a Subaru Forester that would plow through the snow when other cars were off in the ditch. I loved that car, but after 10 years, I had to get a new one as there were too many things to fix. I didn't get another Subaru as I wanted a hybrid. I hear that Subaru is coming out with a hybrid Forester in 2026. If I have the money, I might get one!

    1. I wanted a hybrid as well but I'll have to wait. Next time.

  5. I like your new car. I've owned a subaru most of my adult life. Good cars.

  6. I like reading that Jack is doing fine.

  7. I love that Jack has that patient loving male voice in his ear about using his words, taking deep breaths, walking away. And a new car! What a sense of agency that must give you, and it's a cute little road dog too!

  8. That's wonderful that Jack is doing better! I hope that Sharky adjusts smoothly to Transitional Kindergarten; he doesn't do changes well. Love your Subie! It's the same color as mine although mine is a Forester (2018) and yours looks like a Crosstrek. Subies have the best AWD system of any car in my opinion. The news is hard for me to stomach too. :(

  9. I love your new car. You need your own. I can remember as a child our across the street neighbor's husband would not buy her a car which she needed. He was just a cranky, cheap old guy. So she went and got training to be a nurse's aid, went to work, and bought her own car. It pissed him off so much. "Too bad," she said, and she was independent after that.
    Glad to hear Jack's doing better.
