Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The leaves are falling and the days are much shorter.  It's dark now when I go to bed.  As I write this the dogs are behind me, wrestling.

Yesterday while I was walking Charlie and we were almost home, there was a woman with her bernedoodle pup, almost the same size as Charlie, off leash in the field behind us.  The soccer fields behind us are not off leash and there are signs up everywhere that say that.  Apparently that didn't apply to this woman and her pup though.  

We had to pass by the woman, so I shortened up Charlie's leash and then the pup started running towards us.  So I shortened the leash some more but then the pup was upon us.  Charlie snarled and pinned the pup to the ground (protecting me?).  The poor pup made awful noises but was not hurt, and ran off to it's owner.  

I asked the woman if her dog was okay and she glared at me.  I told her that maybe her dog should be on a leash and she responded with, maybe your dog should learn some manners.  I pointed out to her Charlie was on a leash because of his manners.

The strange thing was that I didn't get upset and my heart didn't pound.  I just stood my ground, which felt good.  I did feel bad for the pup but it wasn't hurt, it just wanted to play but Charlie didn't know that. The pup did learn that it shouldn't run at strange dogs. It was the owner's fault but she tried to blame me and I didn't take the blame.  Must have been a frustrating experience for her.

Last night I finished reading "The Life Impossible" by Matt Haig.  I loved it.  It made me smile, made me cry and made me want to travel to Ibiza.  Matt Haig struggles with depression and anxiety, in fact the first book of his that I read was "Reasons To Stay Alive".  The basic message of "The Life Impossible" is that we are all connected, not just to each other, but to everything on this planet, including the planet itself.  

Sadly, I just lost thirty minutes of my life looking at funny memes about dogs and I have nothing to show for it:)

So here's Heidi who knows she's a good girl.

And here's Charlie after a run in the paddock.


  1. Funny dog memes are their own reward and represent time well spent!

    1. I tend to agree with that statement:) Cat memes too.

  2. That is quite a tongue on Charlie! I love the little side-eye from Heidi. I admire your patience with the woman whose dog was loose -- I feel like I might have said something sharper.

    1. Usually I do get bent, but I was proud of myself for staying calm, not my normal behavior.

  3. The trail where we ride is mixed use, including horses. People let their dogs off leash, and I can't tell you how much this irritates me. Even a small dog can take down a cyclist. My personal meme weakness is cats. Love me a cat in a box.

    1. Jack won't stay on the right side of the path and I'm terrified he'll hit a dog or another person. He refuses and I don't know what to do.

  4. Actual dog pictures are nicer than memes. Yours are great looking!
    I guess we were lucky, our dog years were spent with mild tempered Golden Retrievers who could put a baby to sleep with their lack of get up and go.

    1. Charlie is a rescue and has issues to put it nicely. But in his heart, he is a good boy.

  5. Yay you! It is so hard for me to speak up and not get emotional, so I often just leave frustrated. Maybe other lady should follow the rules, for her dog’s sake. Good going Charlie ( and that is a long tongue!) Sly Heidi :) Newish reader Olivia in the PNW (US).

    1. Welcome Olivia. Charlie was panting so his tongue looks extra long, Gene Simmons long:)

  6. Why do so many dog owners believe that their own precious doggie would never hurt any other living creature? If it says dogs on leashes, put your dog on a leash. What's the big deal?
    I need to read that book. Thanks for reminding me.

    1. Her dog didn't hurt Charlie or me, but it still scared Charlie enough to become reactive. None of us are at our best when we're anxious, including Charlie.
      Lovely book. When you're done with it, let me know and we shall book a trip to Ibiza:)

  7. I've not read anything by Matt Haig; it sounds like I should! That dog owner was definitely at fault and good for you for standing your ground. Her lack of good sense was unfair to her pup and to Charlie.

    1. I like him. His books are different, but I like different. He writes something called speculative fiction, which I just got from wikipedia, because I didn't know what to call it:)

  8. Standing your ground, not getting upset and staying calm and clear with what you said. Terrific, and I would put it down to your nursing experience. When people are in the wrong like that woman was, and it is pointed out to them, do you think they think about that later? I wonder.

    1. I find I'm just much calmer as I get older and I'm liking it. When I was younger, I was very reactive, like Charlie.
      I have no idea if other people think about things later, but I sure do:)

  9. I think you handled the dog situation well. When I walk Shirley at a local park, there are signs that state that dogs should be on leashes. But all of the time I see dogs off leash. Usually they are well behaved. The park trail goes by a major road for a tiny bit of the way. I would be afraid that my dog would dart out into the road because dogs are dogs. Looking at dog memes is one of my favorite things to do!

    1. Charlie is very reactive around other dogs, I'm hoping it will improve with age and trust. It took him a year to trust us which is the longest of any dog I've had. He'd been through a lot by the time he came to us.

  10. Good heavens Charlie - what a long tongue you've got!
    "All the better to lick you with!"
    Perhaps the woman with the young dog off its leash can't read so next time you see her you could suggest adult literacy classes. The Learning Centre Literacy Association should be able to help.

  11. You handled that situation with Charlie and the off-leash dog well. The other dog owner created the problem, not you.
