Saturday, August 3, 2024

We have a squirrel who has discovered our birdfeeder and who likes to mock the dogs.  Even after it knew it had been seen by both us and the dogs, it continued to eat, calm as can be.  Charlie obviously didn't see the squirel but Heidi was sitting with us on the deck and definitely saw the squirrel.

Rudbeckia, I am a fan.

I worked yesterday and was exhausted after work, as usual.  I slept like the dead last night.  I'm so thankful I retired and when my coworkers asked how retirement was, I told them I gave it two thumbs up.

I was in the interventional suite yesterday morning and I was busy flushing the port before the doc needed it but out of the corner of my eye, I could see the doc standing with his hand out.  I turned around and said, "What do you need sweetie?".  OMG.  I spend a lot of time with a five year old obviously and call him sweetie.  This is the same doc we all had so much trouble with for years but who has made a 180 degree turn and is now so nice to work with.  At the end of the case he gave me a high five.  The nurse and the tech in the next case called him sweetie as well, it was a thing all day.  When I saw him at the end of the day he was still chuckling when he saw me in the hall.  

The fire in Jasper National Park continues to grow.  Last night it grew by 24%, or 95,000 acres.  The town is mostly safe now but not liveable at present.  It continues to be hot here, although rain has been forecast for most of next week which should help.

Retirement is slowly taking shape.  I walk the dogs for an hour each morning and then do what I want.  I always thought that I don't clean the bathrooms more often because I didn't have time.  Turns out that was a lie.  My bathrooms don't get cleaned anymore than they did when I was working.  

I picked up an old linen chest at a thrift store a couple of weeks ago and I've been working on it.  It had some damage, not much, and mostly just needed a good clean and some sanding.  It's looking nice and I'll use it in the basement bedroom for linen storage and someplace for visitors to leave their suitcase, so the suitcase isn't on the floor.

I've been putzing in the garden and taking Jack out of daycare at least once a week to spend time at the spray park, something he loves.  I take a camp chair and a book and he has a great time playing in the water.  I have quilts to work on this winter which should keep me busy enough, plus an elipitcal trainer to use when it's too cold to walk outside.

Suppers are not rushed and I've lost that stress that I always had, do I have what I need to make suppers and lunches?  Is the laundry caught up?  When can I fit in Katie's appointments, as well as mine and Jack's?  I have time for this now and it's a nice feeling.  Plus I'm not exhausted at the end of the day, I don't feel like garbage.

So far, retirement=two thumbs up.


  1. 👍👍👍✅❤️😁👏

  2. I am so glad retirement is agreeing with you so wonderfully ... I think you more then earned that! Hugs! 🤗

  3. Yay! Humor really can be the best medicine and can loosen people up. I agree about retirement. My house is NOT cleaner, in fact I'm not on the strict routine I used to be. And I'm in it way more! However, having time to do appointments, read and do exercise is so much more relaxing than the stress of rushing around.

    1. I like having less strict routines and roomba gets used more. It's a luxury to have time.

  4. I call everyone sweetie or honey or dearheart. But I can understand your feelings when you inadvertently called the doctor that. I love it that it became a thing that day that made everyone laugh.
    I also love that you are enjoying retirement so much.

    1. Especially calling this particular doctor sweetie. He's wound pretty tight but he thought it was funny.

  5. That's a nice scene in the garden. Yes, upon retirement your plans quickly adjust and from being highly organised and getting things done, you slow down, knowing you have time.

  6. Retirement is the best. No more doing stupid stuff because the head cheese said so, any stupid stuff will be self-initiated. The dogs must be loving the long walks.

    1. The dogs are greatly enjoying the long walks, as am I.

  7. I bet that doctor actually got quite a kick out of being called Sweetie all day. Might humanize him some more. And yep, on the rare occasions when I have to drive into Geneva now (doctor appointment) I thank the gods that I no longer have to do that any more. So yep, two thumbs up here too!

    1. I think it surprised the doc but in a good way. I'm liking not having to commute either.

  8. That's the way to go, a whole new perspective on life is waiting.

    1. I'm enjoying this summer. It's the most time I've spent outside since I was a kid I think.

  9. I'm glad you're settling into retirement well! Of course it helps that you're still able to work a bit, which I'm sure eases the transition. Funny about the doctor -- I once called my supervisor at the New York Times "Mom," which appalled me. So embarrassing. I'm not sure she even heard it, and if she did, she didn't react.

  10. Shame humans don't have three arms because then you could give retirement three thumbs up!
