Saturday, July 13, 2024

My flowers are much happier now with some heat.  My husband and I have lived in this house for eight years now and I've wanted a patio/deck set for awhile but they're so expensive and I'm thrifty.  And then this one came on sale at Home Depot and it was a floor model so I asked for something off the price, which I got.  They wanted $85 to deliver it and I asked my neighbor if I could borrow her son's truck but he's out of town working on a pipeline.  My neighbor works at Home Depot and told me that I can rent a van there for $25 for an hour and a half, so I did and now I have a comfy place to sit on the deck.  The adirondack chairs were fine but it's getting harder to get up and out of them, don't laugh.

Yesterday it was cooler than it has been all week, so I picked up Jack early from daycare and we went to the spray park where he told me, "I'm on a team".  A bunch of boys had water guns, including Jack, and apparently they had split up into teams.  It's was all good until he got shot in the face and his mouth was open, talking no doubt, and he did not like that.  So we had a snack and drove into Edmonton to pick up poppa.  He's with Gracie now until tomorrow at supper time.

I also learned how to change the air filter and spark plug on our lawn mower.  Next week I'll change the oil.  Thank you youtube.  What else can I learn?  Don't worry, I'm thinking:)

So far I'm enjoying retirement, early days I know.  I will work on Monday though and I imagine I will spend the whole day wanting to go home.  I'm finding I'm not missing work at all, which I thought I would.  We'll see how it goes.  



  1. That is a nice piece of deck furniture. Your yard is just so lovely, I have flower envy. I do repair things in the house, but I leave stuff with engines alone! I think you will have enough going on you will enjoy your retirement.

    1. Our yard is small, comparitively, but it's an oasis of trees and flowers and shrubs.
      I love learning and it's cool how much you can learn on youtube.

  2. Your flowers are gorgeous. And the new deck set is so inviting, so lovely. I'm glad you got it.
    I am not laughing at what you said about getting up out of the Adirondack chairs. I swear- getting up off the ground when I've been weeding and getting up from certain chairs is starting to really be a pain. I swear I think I am being paid back for laughing at those "Help! I've fallen and I can't get up!" commercials. This is no joke at all. My knees are obviously just about shot.

    1. I never got it either, about the hard to get up, I'm learning quickly. My mum and all of her sisters had severe osteoarthritis and it's affected one of my sisters, and I'm guessing me too:)

  3. Adirondack chairs are hard to get out of. The seat pan is long, and tilted down, I avoid them at all costs. They look nice, but they're difficult. Your flowers are stupendous. Mine are all little shriveled things now because it is so hot. This is the Pacific NW! It's not supposed to be this hot! Youtube is amazing. When we were programming the car to the garage door opener, the manual was wrong. We did what youtube said, and it worked. They also taught us how to change a circuit breaker and improved my caulking tremendously. So, go youtube!

    1. Youtube is an amazingly helpful platform. I also learned how to quilt on youtube and I imagine I will learn many more useful skills on it.
      I love the look of adirondack chairs but they are for younger people now:)

    2. I also just read about adirondack chairs and apparently they were designed for convalescent, which makes sense. You're not supposed to get out of them:)

  4. Your flowers are looking so pretty and good on you for your smart shopping. I had to Google your old chairs, and while I have seen them here, it would be rarely. I remember seeing them all over the streets of Toronto.
    I assume that is some kind of relief nursing you will do on Monday. All care and little responsibility perhaps, which would be easier.

    1. There are a lot of adirondack chairs in Canada and the National Parks have a program which places these chairs in the National Parks, someplace to sit and enjoy the beautiful view.

      It will be relief nursing on Monday.

  5. Nice patio set! That was a smart way to get it home for only $25 too!

    1. Yes, I had no idea you could rent a van from Home Depot for just an hour and a half. And cheap.

  6. Nice seating and gorgeous flowers you have there! Well done.

    1. It's been so hot here, and the deck cools off in the evenings, so it's nice to sit out there. My flowers have turned out very nicely this year. I gave up on veg this year, when Charlie went plowing through all of my raised beds.

  7. I love your patio - so pretty. And good for you for being active in early retirement, although I'm guessing it still feels like you're on holiday, right?

    1. It still feels weird, like an extended holiday. I imagine it will take a year to get used to it.

  8. Your patio is like a park. I would love to read out there, as long as the weather wasn't too hot. Spray parks are very popular right now; our temps are back up close to 90 which I don't appreciate. Retirement was a tough adjustment for me being alone but you have Jack and the Big Guy. You will come up with a schedule and routines; it sometimes takes a while.

    1. It's too hot for you this week, last week and next week. I enjoy sitting out there now, even when it's hot. Sometimes there's a breeze which makes sitting outside so much nicer than sitting inside.

  9. Nice deck furniture! What a good find. And the flowers are looking great!

  10. Your flowers are gorgeous and your patio area ... just right!

  11. You have truly created an oasis! And if it makes you feel any better, Adirondack chairs were designed for the slant of a hillside. There is no shame in not being able to get out of one on a flat surface.

    1. I used to be able to get out of those chairs easily but no longer:)

  12. When I retired last June it felt for a while I was just using up vacation days. Now a year later it seems so natural that I don't have to get up to go to work daily.

    1. I think it will take a year to get used to it and then I'll find other things to fill my days. Right now I have a list of things I want to get done this year.

  13. Your flowers are beautiful! You certainly have built an oasis! I remember when I retired that I was worried that I would miss teaching. I don't. AT ALL. I substituted last school year, and every time I went for a job, I would leave at the end of the day being thankful that I no longer have to teach. I am not sure if I will sub or not when the new school year starts next month. It really wasn't enjoyable.

    1. I worked yesterday and it was okay, but just okay. And I ended up poking myself with a dirty scalpel blade so that turned into a whole thing. The universe is trying to tell me something:)

  14. Those baskets would sweep the board in the flower show

    1. Thanks John. We have cold winters but very long sunny days in the summertime and the plants love the longer days.
