Wednesday, April 3, 2024

I'm off today and so tired.  Work continues to kick my ass and usually by 1:30pm, I'm done but still have two more hours of my shift.  Jack was up at 4am yesterday morning and that didn't help.  One of the young nurses, really they're all young nurses at this point in my career, is beyond tired too, so maybe it's not just my age.

I finished a shrug sweater for one of the young ones, she had asked me to knit one months ago and I told her I just didn't have the energy, and then I did, have the energy.  It was a birthday present for her and she loved it, as did a bunch of other staff in our department.  They don't take long to knit up, they're made with Wool Ease, Thick and Quick yarn (sounds dirty, doesn't it?).  I may make more of them, we'll see.  I have such a hard time with obligations, don't like them at all, which puts me off.

We went to Jasper last weekend and discovered that Charlie is severely stressed out by travel.  I gave him some benadryl at one point in the trip, and that helped a little, but it's a four hour drive there and a four hour drive home.  He suffered.

We drove to Medicine Lake for a look see and to take some photos.  I took Heidi down to the lake edge with me to get some photos.  She was standing right beside me and I saw her lean down to take a drink out of the mostly frozen lake, then a splash as she went in.  She went under the water and couldn't get back up onto the shore because there was too much ice.  I grabbed her by her collar and just hauled on her.  I think I took three photos and then ran her up to the car to get her dried off and warmed up.  It scared not only her, I'll never forget the look in her eyes, but it scared me too.  I also wrenched my sore shoulder and my back, so that was fun.  Thankfully, she is fine.

Yesterday was 20C and Jack wanted to play in the backyard after daycare, except the backyard has a fair bit of dog poop out there right now.  We split the difference and he agreed to stay on the deck, with careful forays out into the yard to retrieve his balls.  He still managed to get dog poop on his back, no idea how he did that:)  But he was so happy to be playing outside.  I was tired and grumpy and trying to clean up the kitchen and thought, screw it.  I left the kitchen and sat with him on the deck while he had fun.  You never know how long the good weather will last in the spring.

Today it's 5C and the wind is blowing hard.  Friday it may snow, again.  Maybe that's why I'm tired:)


  1. That Heidi episode must have been scary. I once had to haul Olga out of the Grand Union Canal -- but she weighs less than Heidi! Charlie does look stressed, poor guy.

    1. Olga looks solid but I don't know what she weighs. Heidi is about forty-five pounds. Yeah, Charlie was not a fan of the car ride.

  2. Oh, poor Heidi! And your back and shoulder. I like to do things, but not if I HAVE to or it's expected. That's the contrarian part of my nature. Glad you got to enjoy some sunn weather. We've had a stretch of glorious days (about 20 degreesC and sunny) but that's changing today. Life is tiring, no question about it.

    1. Life is tiring, isn't it? I've been doing laundry all day, getting caught up. We were only gone for two days!

  3. OMG, poor Heidi and you! I think you made the right choice in sitting on the deck with Jack. The kitchen isn't going anywhere.

    1. No, the kitchen never goes anywhere and Jack loves playing outside, especially if we're there watching him.

  4. Wow, that was a scary close call with Heidi -- glad the story had a happy ending!

    1. I glad for the happy ending too. The look on her face was awful.

  5. Dogs have such expressive eyes, they can break your poor heart. How terrifying it must have been when he fell in the water. I'm just glad you didn't slip in, too. By the way, I loved your story about the Jamaican doctor blushing, I laughed!

    1. I'm glad I didn't slip in too but thankfully there were a few other people around, somebody would have hauled me out:)
      That doc I was talking about is young enough to be my son and I love to tease him. One time he was digging in my sharps (used needles and scalpel) and I told him I would tell his mom if he didn't stop doing that:)

  6. You must have been so scared when Heidi went into the water. She may never want to drink from a lake again! I'm sure you didn't even think about your back when you pulled her out.
    I love the image of Jack being so happy to be outside, even in that cold, cold weather. Y'all need some spring!

    1. He played outside today too, happy to have his water guns. He's a tough little guy, even in the cold. And the poop got cleaned up today, it was the first thing he asked me when he got home.

  7. Hell's bells! How different days can be in your neck of the woods!

    1. Springtime in Alberta. It's never boring.

  8. That poor dog, what a fright.

  9. Close call with the Dog falling would be terrifying! Enjoying time with Jack is mo important than housekeeping so I am glad you sat outside with him instead. Work now kicks my Ass too and my stamina isn't what it was... Dawn the Bohemian
