Saturday, September 9, 2023

We drove out to Elk Island National Park this afternoon, in the hopes that Jack would fall asleep and have a nap because he and poppa are going to some car races this evening.  Jack did fall asleep for awhile.  The weather was perfect and the sky was so blue.  There was a large flock of coots feeding in the water and while we sat and watched them, sandhill cranes flew overhead, calling out as they flew.  It was quiet and peaceful.  A boon for the soul.

Jack enjoyed it too, something which always surprises me, because usually he likes action and noise.

 This summer has been one of the hardest of my life.  I'm feeling depressed but functional.  There's lots of stuff going on but that's not for right now.  Next week we have court, we see the child pyschologist and my daughter from Vancouver is coming to visit for a couple of nights.  Life continues on.


  1. I can only tell you to be tough, bitch as much, as loud and long as you need, and endure. I did this whole drill twelve years ago, but with three grandchildren. It does end, and probably will end well.

  2. I hope autumn brings better things for you and your family.

  3. I've also had a hard summer so I sympathize. I agree with Joanne's comment, especially the part about bitching as much as you need. If you prefer, you can call it venting! Big hugs to you.

  4. Hang in there and bitch/vent/emote as much as you need to.

  5. I wish we all get to choose the way life goes. You would do such an amazing job. Keep at it despite the obstacles.

  6. You have every right to be overwhelmed and depressed. This is all so much and all so much what you had not planned. But then- there was that boy. You are doing the right thing but I know that some days that is probably cold comfort.

  7. I also agree with Joan's comment. You will enjoy your daughter's visit.

  8. What a beautiful sky and lake! We're all here to support you however we can. You are tough and capable and heroic.
