Friday, June 17, 2022

My apologies to everyone who has wondered where their posts have gone.  I only found my spam folder tonight and all comments have now been published.  Thanks to Yorkshire Pudding.


  1. My spam folder has also been greedy and gobbled up numerous comments.

  2. You needed a superhero to sort out the issue. Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's Yorkshire Pudding!

  3. Ah yes, that pesky blogger spam folder! It's like a vacuum cleaner sucking everything in!

  4. I've learned to check it daily now.

  5. Where did you find your spam folder? I used to be able to find mine but now I can't find it anywhere. As far as I know, all comments on my blog have come through, but now I'm wondering if there are any in a spam folder that I don't have access to currently.

  6. I just found it! Clicked on an upside-down triangle at the upper right of the page that shows all the comments.
