Monday, January 3, 2022

This photo was taken a week before Christmas.  Since then it's been too cold to walk.  We had a 24 hour period this past weekend that would have been warm enough to walk outside but it passed while we took Katie out.  Miss Katie is over her covid with no lingering problems, something for which I am deeply thankful.  All the runny noses, coughs and other symptoms have cleared up in our house as well, again, very thankful.
Jack has gone back to daycare today.  He never even said goodbye or turned around to wave as he went through the door.  I think he was a thankful as we were that the Christmas holiday was over and life could return to normal.  

We had a video chat with Gracie on Saturday.  I had already told her about the black eye and what had happened.  She said, "See, black eyes can happen anytime to kids."  I don't disagree with her, it happens put I did point out to her that I wasn't drunk at the time.  She didn't appreciate that but I'm done with sugar coating everything.  She seems to think that she'll get out of rehab and Jack will come home and everything will go back to how it was.  I did say that she can come over to visit Jack when she gets out next week.  Her family isn't home until the 15th, so she can't leave our house with him.  If she does try that the social worker had told her that he would be taken into care and she would lose custody.  Hopefully she remembers that.  

It's snowing here right now.  We're supposed to get 5-10cm and it's cold, -24C and with the wind chill, it feels like -34C, so frostbite.  A good day to stay inside.  I vacuumed the house and washed the floors.  I think I'll spend the rest of the day sewing and listening to the radio.  I do lead a reckless life:)

Happy New Year to everyone and lets hope it doesn't suck as bad as the last two years.


  1. I keep remembering that although 2021 wasn't great, at least for us here in the US, our president was not Trump which was a huge improvement, just in itself. Also, we could gather again as a family.
    Gracie is still in la-la land, isn't she? I doubt she is taking any responsibility for her actions.

  2. It makes me so nervous to think of Gracie thinking all will go back to the way it was before. I have a cousin who is very much like Gracie, and in the end, her son went to live and be raised by another cousin, it was the only way.

  3. I'm with you in hoping that this year doesn't suck as much as the last two. I can't imagine those temperatures; we're so unprepared here for teens much less anything below zero. Glad that everyone is feeling better and life is going back to "normal." Is there such a thing?

  4. I'm so glad Miss Katie is over covid and doing better - and that you are all feeling better too. Hopefully with Jack being back at daycare you can get some rest also. And good on you for telling it straight to Gracie. I hope she can stay sober and give her little boy the love he needs from his mom!

  5. To live with such cold is almost unimaginable to most English people. We think it's really cold when the thermometer gets down to minus 5 celsius! You Canadians are tough cookies!

  6. That looks like a winter wonderland, for sure! It's hard to imagine your new responsibilities with Jack, but I am so relieved that he's with you. Stay warm woman.

  7. Yep - let's hope it doesn't suck at all. It is 13 degrees here today and I'm moaning about the damp and the winter squalls - wishing for cold snap. The grass is always greener it seems; or should that be the snow is always whiter... I'm not sure, but you get the sentiment.

  8. We often say happy new year without thinking what it really means but for you I really do wish you to have a happy year. You've had a lot on your plate recently and you are due a break surely! Glad you're all feeling well again, enjoy your reckless life!! x

  9. Sometimes staying inside is definitely the best option! I hope things go OK with Gracie's visit, and I think it's good you spoke plainly to her. She probably needs that.

  10. A single Rehab isn't going to solve all of Gracie's Issues and Social Services is likely to keep tabs on her for an extended period of time, so I don't think she's Reality based in the least. I'm glad Jack is with you and tho' I know it will be hard for you to Raise him, permanent placement with you would be preferable to his other options, sad to say, but likely the Truth.
