Sunday, December 5, 2021

Jack has given me another cold.  I've got a sore throat this time and I went for a covid test this morning.  Oh joy.

Gracie has gone into rehab and I hope and pray that it helps her.  Her mom and sister have applied for guardianship as well, but not day to day parenting.  They don't seem to understand how this thing works.  Gracie doesn't want us as guardians but wants us to take care of him for her.  The big guy and I decided that unless we become guardians as well, we will not be doing to the day to day parenting.  Her mother and sister will have to step up and do that.  I know for a fact that her mother has no desire to take care of Jack on a daily basis, even before her husband died.  Gracie and her sister seem a little clueless at times, but that is part of the problem.  So we're good enough to take care of her son but not good enough to be guardians of him.  I had a good cry about all of this on Friday when we were served papers by Gracie.  Fortunately it's up to the judge on the 14th and it's based on what's best for Jack, not his mother.

The charges in Victoria were also dropped we found out on Friday, another reason I cried.  The big guy thinks it's probably because there is such a backlog in the court system due to covid.  It doesn't change anything for me.  The bruises on Jack and his neglect happened on her watch.  She is responsible.

Way too much drama.

My niece and her boyfriend came over for supper last night which was so nice.  We haven't seen them since June.  It's nice to spend time with young people who aren't batshit crazy.  My niece graduates with her Masters in occupational therapy in two weeks and starts a new job in January.  Her boyfriend works with computers and coding.  They pay their bills and speak in full sentences.  It's so refreshing.

I have to stay at home today because I'm waiting for the covid results.  Not a huge deal as it's bloody cold outside.  It's a good day to not do too much of anything.  I did put up the tree though, so there's that.



  1. Well, as Ellen always says- children are just little bags of germs. So many people are sick around here right now. I'm sorry that you've down with it too, whatever "it" is.
    I hope with all of my heart that the judge decides to award you custody. If he or she has a brain and eyes, that is what will happen.

  2. I worry so much for Jack. I know you weren’t planning to raise another kid but honestly your home would be best for Jack. I hope the judge discerns that. The uncertainty must be so hard. I hope all is settled soon and that your gold is indeed only that. Feel better.

  3. Your tree is beautiful!

    Sending love always. Hoping for the best for Jack, meaning that you and the Big Guy become his guardians soon and that the drama is minimal.

  4. What does the term "guardian" mean if it is not connected with daily care? Ridiculous.

    That's one hell of a fairy you have on top of your tree. Does she have a name? Good job Jack won't be able to reach her - unless of course he accidentally pulls the tree down!

    1. Her name is Phoebe:) Just kidding. I never thought of giving her a name.

      Guardian in Alberta law means you make decisions for the child but the child doesn't necessarily live with you. It's equivalent to being another parent. A parenting order decides where the child will live.

  5. That is unfortunate that they would apply for guardianship and not the day to day parenting. They clearly don't get it. But her parents were that way even before all this - content to babysit but never get more involved (which is fine but this was never a normal circumstance) and it is a shame her mom and sister are enabling this behaviour.

    1. beautiful tree, i hope to get ours up soon and decorated!!

  6. That's a beautiful tree. I still need to locate one and fight with it. A sometimes tradition since my husband died. I do NOT understand the idea of guardianship without the day to day parenting. Isn't that what guardians do? I hope it works out the way it your favor, and that it's just a cold, miserable though that is.

  7. Good luck with the covid test. I got through covid just fine and then came down with sinusitis which I'm guessing is also from my grandson/the daycare. Crikey, I'd forgotten all about this bit! And you'd be right about backing away from the day-to-day parenting if you don't get guardianship (even though I know that would be very hard for you to do). But someone over there has to be the grown up for Jack don't they. I'm sure you'll get it though. Oh, and your tree is beautiful!

  8. How on earth does one provide parenting without guardianship? Is the guardian allowed to pop in from time to time and provide helpful parenting tips? From this side of the border, this just seems stupid.
    The tree is just lovely. Hope you're over the cold soon, they're just awful.

  9. Too much drama, indeed. I would think the charges might work against her even if they were dropped, but maybe not. In any case, I hope you prevail and it's good to know that all of this will be ironed out in a week or so.

  10. Wanting guardianship without parenting is such a cop-out, and may reveal more about Gracie's family than they wish to reveal. Also, they clearly don't understand how offensive their actions are to you and your husband. I sure hope the courts see through this and award you both. You and the big guy are the best things in this little boy's life. Love the tree.
