Sunday, November 29, 2020

I'm feeling better, less angry.  I think I was extremely angry about my grandson being exposed to COVID by his uncle and that anger just spread.  I know I'm stressed because the arthritis in my left wrist has flared up and I have what I think is tendonitis in my right arm so I'm back on anti-inflammatories long enough to reduce the inflammation but not long enough to upset my stomach, I hope.

We have three days off from the little guy so I slept in this morning which was lovely.  Yesterday I took the dogs to a nearby wildlife area as there was literally no parking available at the off leash dog park.  They had to stay on leash which isn't as nice for them or me but we got fresh air and some exercise.  I'll take them again today but earlier so hopefully there will be some parking spots available.  The weather is lovely right now and there's not a lot to do so everyone is out walking their dogs.

Gracie is busy at work.  She's working at a homeless shelter downtown and they've had an outbreak of COVID so have reduced the number of clients from 350 to 150.  All of the clients are upset and not dealing with things well.  Poor Gracie has to wear full PPE all day at work but she keeps going and I admire her for that.  It's not an easy job and I doubt I could do it.

I'm feeling a little fragile lately so I know I haven't been taking care of myself enough.  I have a good book right now which helps and I'll get outside today which also helps.  This helped too.

When I get overwhelmed I forget to take care of myself and then I cry and then I get angry.  Shades of my father I guess.  I am guessing there will be a lot of young ICU nurses with PTSD  for years to come and I doubt very much that politicians have taken that into consideration, in fact I know they haven't because they care only about votes.

Breathe.  Deep breaths.  

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