Thursday, November 26, 2020


I continue to flail and struggle with stupid people.  It feels like I am beating my head against a wall and does me no good, so why do I do it?  Because I think I'm right?  Because I know better?  Because I have facts to back up my arguments?  It does no good.  Facts rarely change people's beliefs.  

Or maybe I am grieving, only now understanding how many selfish, unkind people there are in the world.  I thought Alberta was better than how we're acting now.  I know the province is thought to be a bunch of red necks who make a lot of money in the oil field, but that's not what I experienced growing up.  

And now it seems my province has been overrun with right wing assholes who think being altruistic is for pussies, that the government is lying to them, that vaccines will allow Bill Gates and Trudeau to control them (really don't get that one), and that is their fundamental right to not give a shit about anybody but themselves.  

Old people are going to die anyway.  Who cares?  Well, maybe the old people for one.  And their children and their grandchildren.

Sick people will die.  Who cares?  They're already sick, they're a drain on our society already.

Disabled people will die.  Who cares?  They're just a drain on our society.  Why should they have special protections?

Masks cause illness.

Vaccines will change our DNA.

The government can't tell us what to do.

It goes on and on and it's causing me so much pain.  

I love my patients, I truly do.  I care about what happens to them.  I worry about them.  I mourn their deaths.  They have become a part of my extended family.  I would fight for them.  I have been fighting for them and I'm getting attacked for that.  WTF!

I doesn't matter what I say or think.  

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