Monday, September 9, 2019

I got a few creepy comments on my last post.  The comments actually scared me enough to take down the post and to take my blog private for a little bit.  One comment when I clicked on the name took me to a blogger that didn't really exist, or more accurately, had only existed for a day or two.  Anonymous essentially.

My blog doesn't allow anonymous comments for a reason.  Blogging is a two way street where we interact with others;  it's a back and forth and someone building a fake account so that they can leave a somewhat ominous comment pisses me off.  This is my space to think out loud and  I appreciate kind, helpful comments because that's what I need right now.  If you can't be kind or helpful, please don't bother leaving comments here.

I'm also starting to use comment moderation to stop any unpleasant comments before they get published.

I would never allow my grandson to come to any harm and if I thought that was possible, I would do something about it.  His mama is imperfect and is struggling and we are trying to help her.  My grandson is a happy, sweet little boy who is doing amazing.  There are issues we are dealing with.  I do not have my head in the sand.

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