Things I'm thankful for today.
Homemade cookies.
Katie is back on the regular dose of antipsychotics. We tried decreasing with disastrous results, head banging, face smashing, etc.
I started quilting. I decided to make quilts for my children and grandchildren, even if I won't be able to give the quilts to my granddaughters until they are adults, the quilts will be made.
Tonglen. It's helping, especially when I'm really angry.
The big guy.
Christmas lights.
Supper out with friends last Thursday.
A warm, comfy home because the wind is blowing this morning.
A sweet little dog curled up on the chair beside me.
A visit to Jasper next weekend to visit friends and mountains.
In the new year I will only be working four days a week. I will have time.
Sorting through old family photos.
Katie ran into an old caregiver and her new baby in the mall yesterday. The caregiver sent me a photo. Katie is over the moon. This young woman and her two sisters all took care of Katie at some point. They saved us and they took Katie in as part of their family. They still keep in touch with her.
What are you thankful for today?
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