Thursday, August 28, 2014

I'm reading another wonderful book, "Knocking on Heaven's Door" by Katy Butler.  There was a passage that caught my eye, "I wish I could say that I remembered the Buddha's Second Noble Truth:  that suffering is caused by wishing that things (and people) were different;  and by trying with equal vehemence to stop things from changing in the evanescent world, likened by poets to a drop of dew."

I produce my own suffering for wanting circumstances and people to be different than what they are.  Kinda puts a new spin on things for me.


  1. yeah, me too, deb. better to bend like a tree. at least we're in accelerated learning :^)


    1. It's funny how things just click one day. But will it stick? There's the rub.

  2. My Aunt Tootsie gave me the best advice about marriage once: "Stop trying to change the one you love. If you channeled all that effort you put in trying to change them into accepting them, you would be so happy!" She was absolutely right.

    1. For me it's about seeing how things really are and not how I wish they were.

  3. Oh, I struggle with this! Everything from my job to the state of the Universe. Most of all I just want there to be more love in the world. I try to "be the change I wish to see in the world" but so far, it does not seem to be helping.

  4. I love Katy Butler -- her writing on end of life care is so outstanding, and her ability to write memoir and journalism is just admirable!
