Sunday, August 24, 2014

I lovely lady died a few days ago.  I never knew her or of her.  Her name was Gillian Bennett and she took her own life this past week.  She died in her garden, her husband of sixty years laying beside her as she slowly stopped breathing.  Gillian was eighty-five years old and was diagnosed with dementia three years ago.  She did not want to suffer the indignities that go along with dementia care, or have her family suffer either.  I would do the same if it were me. 

  Here are her last words.


  1. I admire her courage and belief in her choice. I would hope that I could have the same if I found myself in the same situation.

  2. Isn't that something? I read about this on Wednesday. What a beautiful way to go.

  3. I would do the same as well. It is a peaceful and very sane way to end your time here.

  4. That is really amazing. I loved reading it -- I think I understand her wishes to end her own life, but I balk at making this an institutional imperative. I'm not sure where the line is drawn when you start passing judgement on people's "quality of life" or monetizing it. Where does one draw the line? Should we look on the disabled as being burdens? Should they think of themselves as "burdens" -- it's all so complex.

    1. It is complex, I agree. I don't think Gillian want to pass judgment on anyone else's life, just on her own. I know for myself how I want to die and it does not involve hospitals or nursing homes. There are others who want to prolong their life no matter what and I'm okay with that as well. We should be allowed to chose for ourselves.

      As for the disabled, my daughter is not a burden but she is a responsibility and she is not just my responsibility but the responsibility of our society as a whole. She doesn't feel that she is a burden either, at least I don't think she does. There is no way of knowing because she can't understand what a burden is. However, I do know what a burden is and I don't want to be that to my other children. Most importantly though I want my death to my on my terms, not dictated to me by others who hold differing opinions.
