Thursday, August 14, 2014

Eleven years after a fire on Highway 93, fireweed living up to it's name.

Castle Mountain.

Moraine Lake, early morning.

Mount Revelstoke.

We're back from holidays.  We took 2500 photos between the two of us.  The mountains were beautiful but so hot.  It made me wonder what will happen when the last glacier melts. 

The holiday was successful.  It made me miss home and work.  I saw my daughter in Vancouver and my sister in Penticton.  I cried when I said goodbye to my daughter.  I miss her still and she's lived out there for almost three years.  She's a strong, smart woman and I'm proud to be her mother.

My sister made me cry as well.  I cried for what I never had.  I'm good at that, wanting things that never were.  I have twin sisters that are almost sixteen years older than me.  I am the outsider, not included, never included.  I didn't realize how much that hurt until lately. 

The best part of our holiday, apart from seeing my daughter, was hiking.  I've never really hiked before and I loved it.  Can't wait to do some more. 


  1. I'm so glad you had a good vacation Deb, and these photos! Absolutely gorgeous. I especially like the one of Moraine Lake. You have a great eye with your camera.

    1. Thanks John. The one of Moraine Lake, I was too lazy to carry my tripod, so I just held the camera against my stomach and clicked. Turned out nice.

  2. Oh, my goodness -- those photos! It looks like Oz!

    1. The mountains are so beautiful, it always takes my breath away.

  3. Wow, literal beauty from the ashes!

    I am sorry your sisters exclude you. That does hurt.

    1. There was a burnt stand of trees beside the road and purple fireweed everywhere. I walked into the stand and it was beyond amazing standing there.

      And my sisters, I realize now have always excluded me. It does hurt. I see patients at work with their sisters and I would like that, not the cancer but the sisterly love. Oh well, time to face reality, instead of wishing for what I don't have.

  4. That first photo almost hurt my eyes it was so gorgeous.

    1. Thanks Maria. I thought it would be a good fit for a cancer hospital. Life rising from the ashes.

  5. Wow, how beautiful.

    And I'm sorry about your sisters. I have a similar situation in my family of being the one left out and it does hurt.

  6. Thank you.

    I didn't realize how much it hurt until I got older. I understand that I am younger and not their twin, but I am still their sister.
