Thursday, October 29, 2020

Last week there was snow and this week it's all gone.  I'm okay with that.  

Nothing interesting is going on really.  I feel stressed because of COVID and the rising number of cases in my city.  The provinicial government is cutting health care spending, fighting with the doctors and unions and generally being dicks.  The nurses, myself included, have been working throughout this pandemic.  We didn't get any time off, we can't work from home.  We do get to work short staffed often though because if someone has a sore throat or runny nose or a cough like I did last week, they have to stay home until they test negative.

Gracie got a full time job working in a homeless shelter for the next five months which is good but the hours suck and she still doesn't have her license because she failed her driver's test, so we're going to be looking after the little guy even more.  

My back hurts and I'm grumpy.  I'm tired of COVID, tired of the fucking American election and that orange turd they call president, I'm tired of my own government pushing an agenda of bullshit.  They want kids in elementary school to memorize bible verses, as poetry.  The schools can't talk about residential schools in elementary school because it's too sad.  It goes on, more drivel and bullshit.  It is racist and regressive.  

Something good.  

I can still laugh.  I'm thankful for that.  

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