Helped out a patient yesterday, didn't make him feel stupid for doing what he did (even though it was a stupid thing to do), saved him hours in emergency at a different hospital. He's dying, he has better things to do than ricochet between hospitals.
Tried to practice my assertiveness skills with my co-worker but was only marginally successful. But I did try and I protected my patient which was the important part.
Spoke with another young patient, a nurse, just diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer. We spoke about the randomness of life. I couldn't have faced my own death with such equanimity when I was her age.
Our lovely fall weather continues to hold. The windows are all open and I can hear a magpie talking outside.
Homemade Thai coconut curry chicken soup. OMG!
Hugs from the big guy.
The week, a rather difficult week, is over.
Read a wonderful book, "The Signature of All Things" by Elizabeth Gilbert. I enjoyed it immensely.
Slept for eleven hours last night. I do love to sleep.
Get to see Miss KT tomorrow.
What are you thankful for today?
I'm thankful for the Realm of Caring news conference I attended today and for the chance that Sophie might benefit from medical marijuana.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy Elizabeth Gilbert in small doses. like the book?